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《灵界经历》 第5079节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5079

5079. All who come into the other life have with them the religion they had in the world, likewise those who worshiped human beings as gods. 1Those who are from the Catholic religion who were their prelates and teachers, such as cardinals, bishops, deacons, Jesuits and many of the monks, likewise have with them there in the other life the desire to exercise control over the whole world, and they also call forth various gangs there, climb the mountains and send around watching guards and the like who attack everyone they ever see if they are not of their religion and do not worship them. A great deal of experience has witnessed this to me. The simple obey and the Catholics exercise control because they seek nothing other than to have control over the heavens and the lands on earth and to be worshiped as gods.


1. At this point in the margin are the words ԁbout the Catholic Religion"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5079

5079. All who come into the other life, have with them the religion which they had in the world. Those who have worshipped men as gods are similarly circumstanced. Those of the Catholic religion, who have been their prelates and learned men, as, for instance, cardinals, bishops, deacons; Jesuits and many monks, have the characteristic, in the other life, that there they similarly wish to rule over the whole world; and they also summon various crews there, ascend mountains, and place round about guards, and such as may infest everyone else that they see, if they are not of their religion and do not adore them. This was proved to me by much experience. The simple obey, and they govern; for they ask nothing else than that they may have rule over the heavens and earths, and be worshipped as gods.

Experientiae Spirituales 5079 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5079. Omnes qui in alteram vitam veniunt, secum habent religionem quam in mundo habuerunt, qui adorarunt homines ut deos similiter; qui e Catholica religione sunt, qui eorum praelati et docti fuerunt, sicut cardinales, episcopi, diaconi, Jesuitae et multi [ex] monachis, secum habent in altera vita, quod similiter ibi velint dominari super universum orbem, et quoque varias turbas ibi excitant, scandunt montes, et [mittunt] circumcirca custodias et tales qui infestent omnes alios quoscunque vident, si non ex sua religione sunt, et semet adorant, hoc multa experientia mihi testatum est; simplices obediunt, et illi imperant, nam nihil aliud quaerunt, quam ut imperium habeant super coelos et super terras, ac ut colantur ut dii. 1


1. Sidebar: De Catholica Religione

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