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《灵界经历》 第509节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 509

509. About Mohammed

Mohammed, in accordance with his own wish, also underwent temptations; that he had this desire, I could also infer from several circumstances, and he was certainly tempted this night by something done by the dragon.

While I was sleeping quite pleasantly and dreaming about almost nothing else than the meaning of the word "Comforter" (Paraclyti), spoken of in John [14:16-26, 15:26, 16:7 {ign17}], and matters related to Him, then the dragon pretended in front of Mohammed that I was awake, speaking and answering as though he were I, about which, however, I was entirely unaware.

Consequently, since Mohammed could not see otherwise than that I was so corrupt, and this for the whole night, he was driven to doubts about Jesus Christ, whether His power was so great, since the dragon had been able to lead even me astray in regard to truths.

When I awoke, he said, still undisturbed, what I am like - that I am wavering - and that this surprised him. But when I told him that this had taken place in sleep, and that I knew nothing about the conversation, that I had only been thinking about the comforter, and the like, he was surprised. This was also proven to him by a certain experience, which was, that the dragon tried to force me to sleep. These things show that Mohammed stood steadfast in his belief, even though he was tempted in this way. 1748, in the night between 22 and 23 January.

(See the continuation.)

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 509


Mahomed, according to his desire, also underwent temptations; that this was his desire I could conclude from several things. Indeed, he was tempted this night by this thing that the dragon did: while I was in quite a sweet sleep, and dreamed of scarcely anything but the signification of the word "Paraclete" and the things regarding Him (concerning which see John [xiv 16-26; xv 26; xvi 16:7-15) the dragon then feigned before Mahomed that I was awake, and he spoke and replied as though it were I who did so. But I knew nothing about it. Hence, since Mahomed could perceive nothing else than that it was I who was so perverse, and this during the whole night, he was thereby driven to doubt whether the power of Jesus Christ was so great, since the dragon could also seduce me as to truths. When I became awake he was not still disturbed, and he spoke of what quality I was and wondered that I was changeable. But when I told him that it had taken place while I was asleep, and that I knew nothing of what was said, that I had only been thinking about the Paraclete and the like, he wondered. He was also shown this by a certain experience, namely, that the dragon wanted to put me to sleep. These things show that Mahomed remained steadfast in faith, although he was so tempted. 1748. In the night between Jan. 22 and 23. (See the continuation.)

Experientiae Spirituales 509 (original Latin 1748-1764)

509. De Mahumede

Mahumedes, secundum desiderium suum, tentationes quoque subiit--desiderium 1

ejus ab aliquibus etiam concludere potui--et 2

quidem tentatus hac nocte per id quod draco, dum in dulci satis somno essem, et nihil paene aliud 3

somniarem, quam significationem vocis Paraclyti 4

, de quo in Johanne [XIV: 16-26, XV: 26, XVI: 7 seq.], et quae ad Ipsum spectant, tunc finxit draco, coram Mahumede, quod vigil essem, et is loquutus et respondit tanquam ego essem, quod tamen prorsus nesciebam, inde cum Mahumed nihil aliud posset percipere quam quod Ego tam perversus essem, et hoc tota nocte, inde adigeretur ad dubitandum de Jesu Christo, quod Ipsius potestas non tanta esset, cum draco me quoad veritates etiam seducere potuisset; vigil factus [ego,] usque non turbatus dixit, qualis ego sim, quod versatilis, quod miraretur, sed cum narrarem quod id in somno factum, et ego nihil scirem de loquela, solum quod cogitaverim de paraclyto 5

, et simili, miratus est, quod etiam illi ostensum per quandam experientiam, quod nempe vellet me draco in somnum agere: haec ostendunt, quod Mahomed substiterit in fide, tametsi ita tentatus fuit. 1748, nocte inter 22 et 23 Jan.

Continuationem vide.


1. The Manuscript has subiit, desiderium

2. The Manuscript has potui, et

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. = Paracleti

5. = paracleto

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