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《灵界经历》 第5093节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5093

5093. So it is that the Lord immediately sees the character of those there in general and in particular as to loves, motives, intentions and behaviors. Because of this, if any gang comes there, the Lord immediately puts restraints on it, as was shown to me from an example: there was a conspiracy in the city where I was, and the common people were on the side of the conspirators, on which account the spirits who were rebels or seditious were then immediately thrust down from there and other spirits were called to replace them. As a result they had a change of mind and the gang quieted down.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5093

5093. Hence, too, it is, that the Lord instantly sees what is the quality of those there, in general and in particular, as to loves, ends, dispositions and manners. Wherefore, if any disturbance occurs there, then the Lord at once suppresses it, as was made evident to me, by an example: - There was a conspiracy in the [natural] city in which I was, and the common people were on the side of the conspirators; wherefore, those spirits who were rebellious, or seditious, were then at once driven away thence, and other spirits brought in, in their place. Hence the intentions of those [in the natural city] were changed, and the tumult quieted.

Experientiae Spirituales 5093 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5093. Inde est quod Dominus illico videat quales ibi sunt in genere et in specie quoad amores, fines, animos, et mores: quapropter si aliqua turba ibi venit, tunc Dominus illico compescit illam, quod ab exemplo patuit mihi; fuit in urbe in qua fui, conspiratio, et plebs erat a parte conspiratorum, quapropter tunc illico inde deturbati sunt illi spiritus qui rebelles vel seditiosi fuerunt, et loco eorum alii spiritus arcessiti, inde animi eorum mutati sunt, et sedata turba.

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