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《灵界经历》 第5096节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5096

5096. About the hells of revenge

There are particular and separate hells for those who burn with revenge, depending on its extent and nature. They are in various locations at various depths under the mountains. When looked into, something like a destroying fire such as that from sulfurous material is seen. I saw one particular hell like this, a little to the right, into which a certain individual was thrown. He burned with such revenge that he would rather die than refrain from it. There was a cave there too which was darkened as it were by smoke from such flame, into which he was cast. He was virtually dead with torment. It came to my attention that that those who cannot be withheld from injuring others are cast into it and in this way withheld for a limited time, because later they return to their former state of life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5096


For those who burn with revenge, there are particular and separate hells, according to the extent and nature of the vengefulness. They are in various places, under the mountains, at different depths. When one looks in there, there appears as it were a burning flame, like that which proceeds from sulfur. I saw a certain hell of that description, in front, a little to the right, wherein a certain one was cast who burned with such revenge that he would rather die than abstain therefrom. There was also a cavern there into which he was cast, which was gloomy as if with the smoke from such a flame. He was like one dead with agony. It was perceived that they who cannot be hindered from injuring others, are cast in thither, and thus prevented for a time; though they afterwards return to their former state of life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5096 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5096. De infernis vindictae

Sunt certa et separata inferna pro illis qui flagrant vindicta, secundum quantum et quale ejus; sunt variis in locis sub montibus, varia profunditate; apparet ibi, cum introspicitur, sicut flammeum comburens, sicut quod ex sulphure; quoddam infernum tale vidi antrorsum paulo ad dextrum, in quo quidam conjectus erat, qui flagrabat tali vindicta, ut potius mori vellet, quam abstinere ab illa, ibi etiam erat caverna, quae obscura sicut fumosa ex tali flamma, in quam ille conjectus, erat sicut mortuus cum cruciatu, perceptum quod qui non arceri possunt a laedendis aliis illuc conjiciantur, et sic quoad tempus arcentur, nam postea redeunt ad priorem vitae statum.

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