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《灵界经历》 第5097节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5097

5097. They are punished very grievously, and much more grievously than others, because revenge is deeply implanted, so deeply that their very life is revenge. Certain of them are such that they put all life's delight in revenge, and then in the degree that they initially burned with revenge, in the same degree is their pleasure after obtaining it. Many from Italy are said to be like this. There that kind of vengefulness is implanted due to immoderate pride because they want to rule over all, for revenge generally has much to do with self-love. Also, they are extremely cruel, ever since papal times when inward pride increased. And also such vengefulness is said to be implanted and also to be derived from this into offspring.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5097

5097. They are punished very grievously; and much more grievously than others, because [their evil] is so deeply inrooted that their very life is revenge. Some of them are such that they place the whole delight of their life in revenge; and, then, just as they have burned with revenge before they have accomplished it, so greatly do they rejoice afterwards. Many such are said to be from Italy, where that vindictiveness is inrooted, from immoderate pride, because they wish to rule all; for revenge has much in common with self-love. Since papal times, also, when interior pride increased, these are exceedingly cruel. And such vindictiveness is said to be inrooted in the natives of that country, and thence is likewise derived to posterity.

Experientiae Spirituales 5097 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5097. Puniuntur illi gravissime, et multo gravius quam alii, quia irradicata est alte, ita ut ipsa vita eorum sit vindicta, quidam eorum tales sunt, ut omne jucundum vitae ponant in vindicta, et tunc sicut prius vindicta flagrarunt, post illam tanto gaudio; tales perhibentur plures ex Italia esse, ubi vindicativum illud irradicatum est, ex immoderato fastu, quod omnibus imperare velint, nam vindicta commune habet multum cum amore sui, etiam illi sunt maxime crudeles, post pontificia tempora, quando interior fastus increvit, etiam tale vindicativum ibi irradicatum dicitur, et quoque inde derivatum in prolem.

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