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《灵界经历》 第5098节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5098

5098. Those who do not allow themselves to be brought under control in any other way are brought to a great latrine and immersed, and they struggle a long time to get out of it but in vain. And when they emerge they are tested again by others as to whether they are determined to get revenge, and when experience shows that a desire for revenge remains, they are put back there. And this can go on for ages, for revenge has become a part of life with this kind of people. I also heard a certain one emerging, and having been stirred up by others to take revenge, he was then sent back into that latrine.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5098

5098. Those who do not suffer themselves to be subdued by any other means, are put into a great privy, and plunged under; and they labor for a long time to rise up thence, but in vain. And, when they emerge, they are again tested by others, as to whether they wish to take revenge; and when it is proved that the vindictiveness remains, they are sent back thither. And this may last for ages; for, with such, revenge has become of the life. I also witnessed a certain one emerging; and he was excited by others to revenge, and then sent back to that privy.

Experientiae Spirituales 5098 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5098. Qui non aliter se domari patiuntur, immittuntur in latrinam magnam, et immerguntur, et laborant diu inde exsurgere, sed incassum, et cum emergunt, iterum tentantur ab aliis num vindicare velint, et quando experitur quod vindicativum remanet, illuc remittuntur, et hoc perstare potest per saecula, nam apud tales vindicta facta est vitae. Audivi etiam quendam emergentem, et ab aliis excitatum ad vindicandum, et dein remissum in latrinam illam.

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