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《灵界经历》 第5104节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5104

5104. Since he was such, on that account, so that the gangs and disturbances might be quieted down, he was forcibly driven all the way out to the place directly under the groin and there sent down deep and to the place where they are constantly quarreling about everything and endlessly contradicting each other and consequently there are endless fights and torn clothes. There too is the place of those who fight over matters of the church's doctrine and unceasingly speak against each other, one after another, and who want to have control, the one over the other, believing that the things they say are truths and wanting others to believe and speak as they do. The results of this are quarrels, arguments, and railings. And so they go and come back, still arguing and quarreling, and certainly not in the least on account of truth, but on account of themselves and the love of being in control. Closer to the center are those who believe they know everything and that nothing can be said that they do not know better than others. Luther is there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5104

5104. Since he was of such a character, therefore, in order that the tumults and infestations might be allayed, he was driven even to that place exactly under the groin, and was there let down deeply - and also to places where they continually quarrel about all matters, and where there are perpetual contradictions, and thence also fights and tearings of garments. There, also, is the place of those who engage in contentions about the doctrinals of the Church, and perpetually contradict each other; and who wish to rule over each other believing that the things they say are truths, and wish others to believe and say exactly as they do. Hence arise the quarrels, contentions and tearings [of garments]. So they go away and return, and still contend and wrangle, and, indeed, not in the least for the truth's sake, but for the sake of self and the love of ruling. Nearer to the middle are those who believe that they know all things, and that nothing can be said which they do not know better than anyone else. In that place, Luther is.

Experientiae Spirituales 5104 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5104. Quia talis erat, ideo, ut sedarentur turbae et infestationes, actus est usque ad locum illum prorsus sub inguinibus, et ibi demissus profunde, et ad loca, ubi rixantur continue de rebus omnibus, et ubi contradictiones perpetuae, et quoque inde pugnae et lacerationes vestium; ibi etiam est locus pro illis qui pugnant in doctrinalibus Ecclesiae, et contradicunt sibi invicem perpetuo, et qui volunt dominari unus supra alterum, credentes quod vera sint quae dicunt, et volunt ut prorsus credant et dicant sicut illi, inde rixae, contentiones, et lacerationes, sic abeunt et redeunt, et usque contendunt et rixantur, et quidem ne hilum propter verum, sed propter se et imperandi amorem; propius ad medium sunt illi qui credunt se scire omnia, et quod nihil dici possit, quod non illi sciant melius quam alius; ibi est Lutherus.

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