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《灵界经历》 第5105节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5105

5105. Luther had been there from the time when he came into the other life. He had not been fully purged earlier, on which account he was able to get himself up from there and show what he had been like in the world, specifically that he been a quarrelsome man, trusting in himself, an independent voice, angry with all who did not agree, attacking whomever they might be who disagreed, defending faith alone, caring little about life, not knowing what charity is, nor what the neighbor is. The fact that he had been a hypocrite was shown by his [manner of] stirring [people], and it was said that he spoke in one way with princes, in another with commoners, thus that he had believed in another way than what he said and had brought forth something new from the itch to exercise control. In a word, he had been a hypocrite. It was also shown to him that he had been in darkness, not in light, and that he did not know what the light of heaven is, which was shown to him.

Such persons disturb all peace of mind in others, the conscience of others, and everyone's freedom of thinking about the Word, bringing in their opinions as if they came from the Divine, attacking everyone who did not accept them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5105

5105. Luther had been there from the time that he entered the other life. He has not been fully vastated before; wherefore, he was able to elevate [himself] from thence, and exhibit what had been his quality in the world, namely, that he was a quarreler; trusting in himself; allowing only himself to speak; angry with all who did not agree with him; inveighing against all who disagreed, no matter who it was; defending faith alone; caring little for the life; not knowing what charity is, nor what the neighbor. It was shown, from his stirring up [those crews], that he must have been a hypocrite; and it was stated that he spoke one way with princes and another with the common people, so that he must have believed otherwise than as he spoke; also, that he got up novelties from an itching for rule: in a word, that he was a hypocrite. It was also shown to him, that he was in darkness and not in the light, and that he was ignorant what the light of heaven, which was exhibited to him, was.

Such persons disturb, in others, all tranquillity of mind, and every conscience which differs from theirs, and all freedom of thinking about the Word, by inducing their own opinions as if from the Divine, and infesting all who do not receive them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5105 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5105. Lutherus ibi fuerat a tempore cum in alteram vitam venit, prius non plene vastatus, quapropter inde potuit [se] elevare, et ostendere qualis fuerat in mundo, quod nempe rixator, sibi fidens, loquens solus, iratus in omnes qui non consentiebant, invehens in quoscunque qui dissentiebant, quicunque sit, defendens solam fidem, vitam parum curans, non sciens quid charitas, nec quid proximus, quod fuerit hypocrita ostensum ex excitatione ejus, et dictum quod aliter loquutus cum principibus, aliter cum plebe, ita quod aliter crediderit quam loquutus, et quod novum produxerit ex pruritu imperandi; verbo quod hypocrita fuerit. Ostensum ei quoque quod in tenebris, non in luce, et quod ignoraret quid lux coeli, quae ei ostensa. Tales turbant apud alios, omnem tranquillitatem animi, et conscientiam aliorum, et omnium liberum cogitandi de Verbo, inducendo suas opiniones sicut a Divino, infestando omnes qui non recipiunt.

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