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《灵界经历》 第511节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 511

511. Next, he was put to sleep, and the others were thinking he had been deprived of his rationality and then forced to speak as his inclination prompted him, as spirits normally do. However, while asleep he was questioned about Jesus Christ, Whom he then also confessed. From this it can be inferred that he is being kept in the faith, and strengthened by Jesus Christ Alone.

These things were written in his presence, and in some cases he has dictated to me the words I have written. 1748, 23 January.

511. 1/2. Mohammed now says that he remembers these things now, but that if they had not been written down, he would not have remembered the least detail. 1748, 2 September.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 511

511. He was afterwards put to sleep by others who supposed that rationality was taken away from him, and thus he was made to speak in conformity with his own genius, as spirits usually do; and even in that sleep he was questioned concerning Jesus Christ, Whom he then also confessed. Hence it is given to conclude that he is preserved in the faith and confirmed by Jesus Christ alone. These things were written in his presence, some of which he also dictated to me. 1748, Jan. 23.

511 1/2. Mahomed now says that he remembers these things now, but if they had not been written he would have remembered nothing. 1748, Sept. 2. 1


1. This paragraph was inserted later when Swedenborg was making the Index. He had already numbered the paragraphs, and therefore entered the addition as n. 511 1/2.

Experientiae Spirituales 511 (original Latin 1748-1764)

511. Deinde in somnum actus, putantibus aliis, quod rationalitas ei adempta sit, et sic ad loquendum suo genio conformiter, ut solent spiritus , et tamen in somno illo interrogatus de Jesu Christo, Quem tunc quoque confessus est, inde concludi datur, quod is in fide conservetur, et confirmetur a Jesu Christo Solo, haec in ejus praesentia, in quibusdam etiam mihi dictavit, quae scripsi. 1748, 23 Jan.

511a. Dicit Mahumed nunc, quod haec nunc meminerit, at si non scripta fuissent, ne hilum meminisset. 1748, 2 Sept.

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