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《灵界经历》 第5123节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5123

5123. The auras of relationships extend through virtually the whole heaven, but in limitless variety. There are, there, heavenly auras which they can enjoy with a feeling of joy and love; others which they can enjoy with other kinds of feelings of joy and love; and, others which they cannot enjoy, where they fall into sadness, where there are boundaries of their auras at the sides. Nonetheless those who are there have love's feeling and the delight from it, and their aura is bounded on the sides facing them. In this way societies are separated; this distinction is very precisely made, so that nothing could be more so. Those who are wiser have a fine perception of such distinctions.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5123

5123. The spheres of consociations are extended almost throughout the whole heaven, but with indefinite variety. There are, there, some celestial spheres in which they can be with an affection of joy and love; others in which they can be with other kinds of affections of joy and love; and, in those where they are not able to remain, they fall into sadness. There are boundaries to those spheres, at the sides; but, still, they who are there, are in an affection of love, and, consequently, of joy; and their sphere is bounded at the sides towards them. Thus are societies distinguished; and the distinction is most accurate, so that nothing can be more so. Those who are the wiser, perceive such things thoroughly.

Experientiae Spirituales 5123 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5123. Sphaerae consociationum se extendunt paene per totum coelum, sed cum indefinita varietate; sunt ibi sphaerae coelestes in quibus cum gaudii et amoris affectione esse possunt, in quibus cum alio genere affectionis gaudii et amoris, et in quibus non esse possint, ibi incidunt in moestitiam, ibi sunt terminationes sphaerae illorum a lateribus; sed usque illi qui ibi, in affectione amoris et inde gaudii sunt, ac terminatur sphaera illorum ad latera versus illos; ita distinguuntur societates, quae distinctio accuratissima est, ut nihil accuratius; qui sapientiores sunt, percipiunt talia probe.

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