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《灵界经历》 第5124节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5124

5124. They have with them wives, but they are such that they have an entirely similar affection, but with the difference that [the husband is goodness and the wife is that goodness's truth 1]. As a consequence, together they are one, and thus these two together make one angel, and they do not want to be called two but one. They also are one, according to the Lord's words that they are not two but one [Matt. 19:6, Mark 10:8], and that woman is not given to man, but that they are angels [Matt. 22:30, Mark 12:25, Luke 20:35, 36].

[2] Marriage love cannot be described; nothing that is lascivious enters into it, they are entirely ignorant of what this is. But the fact is that marriage love is the fundamental love; it is their heaven, that is, the happiness of their life. But this love cannot be described today at all, for in the world it is not separated from lasciviousness. This still clings to it, or to put it another way, its opposite, which is no love at all and is filthy, still clings to it.


1. These words in square brackets were crossed out in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5124

5124. They have wives with them, who, however, are such that they are in an altogether similar affection; but with the difference, that the husband [is good, and the wife the truth of that good], thus, they together make one; and thus, also, these two together constitute one angel, and are unwilling to be called two, but one. Likewise, they are one, according to the words of the Lord, that they are not two, but one; also, that a woman is not given to a man, but that they are angels. 1Conjugial love, in a word, cannot be described. Nothing lascivious enters into it; those in it are utterly ignorant what lasciviousness is. But conjugial love is the fundamental love; it is their heaven, that is, the bliss of their life. That love cannot be at all described at this day; for, in the world, it is not distinguished from lasciviousness. This, which is the opposite of conjugial love, and has nothing to do with love, but is foul, always adheres to it.


1. See Luke 20:34-36.

Experientiae Spirituales 5124 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5124. Uxores secum habent, sed quae tales sunt ut in prorsus simili affectione, verum cum differentia, ita, unum simul; et sic duo illa constituunt unum angelum simul, et non volunt, ut dicantur duo, sed unum, sunt quoque unum, secundum Domini verba, quod non duo sint sed unum [Matth. XIX: 6, Marc. X: 8]; et quod non detur mulier viro, sed quod sint angeli [Matth. XXII: 30, Marc. XII: 25, Luc. XX: 35, 36, 36]; amor conjugialis non describi potest, nihil in illum intrat, quod est lascivum, hoc quid sit nesciunt plane: sed amor conjugialis est fundamentalis amor, est coelum eorum, hoc est, felicitas vitae eorum; at amor ille prorsus describi hodie nequit, nam in mundo non separatur a lascivo, hoc adhaeret usque, aut ejus oppositum quod est nihil amoris, et tetrum.

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