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《灵界经历》 第5126节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5126

5126. Continuation about the heavenly Kingdom

I was brought up onto a mountain where there were those who were from the heavenly Kingdom, although not among the best. When it was granted to ascend, I heard one there saying that he along with his comrades was in a sorrowful state of mind, and he showed me his face, on which a beard of only two or three small bunches of long hair was seen, and the rest of it was bare. From this I immediately saw what kind of beard they had in an earlier, that is to say, good state, namely that it was large, occupying the whole face, large and yet groomed. It was perceived that those there took delight in such beards, and that those of a heavenly nature are bearded in this fashion, and that it is therefore said in the Word that the Ancient of Days, by whom is meant that which is Divine in the highest heaven, which is the Lord's [appearance] in heaven, is bearded with a great gray beard; and that the Jews made much of a beard, and that they placed a religious significance in it as well. It is for this reason also that a beard is spoken of many times.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5126


I was brought up on to a mountain, where were those who belong to the celestial kingdom; but they were not of the best sort. When it was permitted me to ascend, I heard one, there, saying that he is in a sorrowful state with his companions; and he showed me his face, on which appeared a beard consisting of only two or three little bunches of hairs of great length, and on the rest [of the face] he was bare. Later, I saw such a beard on him as they had in the former, or good state, namely, a large one, occupying the whole chin, abundant, and yet elegant. It was perceived that those who are there are delighted with such a beard, and that the celestials are bearded in this manner; and that it is therefore said, in the Word, that the Ancient of Days, whereby is meant the Divine Celestial of the Lord in heaven, had a great grayish beard; also, that this is why the Jews made so much of the beard, and even attached a religious importance to it; wherefore, also, the beard is so often spoken of.

Experientiae Spirituales 5126 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5126. Continuatio de Regno coelesti

Subductus sum in montem, ubi erant illi qui e coelesti Regno, sed non inter optimos; cum ascendere dabatur, ibi audiebam unum dicentem, quod in statu maesto cum sociis sit, et ostendit mihi faciem, in qua barba apparebat constans modo ex binis aut tribus fasciculis crinium, in longum protensis, et in reliquis erat calvum, vidi mox in illo, qualis barba illis in priori seu bono statu fuit, quod nempe magna, totum mentum occupans, larga, et usque comta; perceptum quod illi qui ibi, delectentur tali barba, et quod coelestes ita barbati sint; et quod ideo dicatur in Verbo, quod Antiquo dierum, per quem intelligitur Divinum Coeleste quod Domini, in coelo, sit barba grisea magna; et quod Judaei tantam fecerint barbam, et quod etiam religiosum in eo posuerint; quare etiam de barba pluries dicitur.

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