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《灵界经历》 第5127节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5127

5127. When I was near there I heard certain female spirits of the Sirenic type, namely, who for self-seeking and worldly purposes were able to simulate good affections, for which reason in outward aspect the affections of these women and of these men [of the heavenly Kingdom] were certainly similar to the affections found among the good, but inwardly they were only worldly, bodily, and earthly, and so they were entirely the reverse. They said they had come there for the purpose of occupying that mountain because they knew there were angels there, but that when they had come there, they saw no one, no matter how much they searched, and that now and then they had seen one or another, but these said nothing but only did something, went away, came back, and the like. Afterwards, those of a heavenly nature spoke with me saying that they see this gang and are invisible to them, so that they themselves are not seen, and that their arrival had put them in their present depressed state, that is, in a state changed from the prior one.

[2] And then it was given to tell them that this happens because those arriving women of the sirenic sort are such that they arouse their sensual elements. These are otherwise dormant, to such an extent that they do not know they are in this state, and consequently do not know that those sirenic women are arousing their earthly, physical, and worldly elements there. On this account, when their more inward affections, which are good, fall into this state as regards these affections opened by arrival of those women, it is depressing, offensive, and harmful to them. This could be known from the fact that in this state their beards appeared to them like this, namely in strands, or rather, curls, for they get beards from these. It is otherwise when these [affections] are sealed off. They recognized this completely; and from this it was granted them to perceive their perverted state. And it was further given to say to them that this is permitted so that they may be changed for the better and reformed as to the sensual aspect, which is the lowermost, for this is that plane in which the more inward aspects terminate, and that this state of affairs is evening, and that they can look forward to the dawn and morning. They said that they have this hope that they are going to return into their earlier state and that they know that there are changes like this but that in this depressed state they do not think about it. I was thinking that it is so also like this with others when they are in an evening state.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5127

5127. When I was near there, I heard some of the species of sirens, namely, those who were able to feign good affections for the sake of selfish and worldly ends, whence their affections are; and some of them were, in external form, similar to the affections which belong to the good, but, in the internal, merely worldly, corporeal and terrestrial; thus, altogether the reverse. They said that they came thither for the purpose of occupying that mountain, because they knew that there were angels there, but that, since they were come, they see no one, no matter how much they search; and that now and then, one or another was seen, but that they did speak not; that they only acted, went, returned, and the like. Afterwards, those there who were of the celestial genius also spoke with me, saying, that they see that crew, and that they are invisible to them so that they are not seen; also, that their arrival caused them to be in that dejected state; thus, in a state changed from their former one. It was, then, granted me to tell them, that this happens for the reason that those strangers of the siren sort are such as call forth their sensuals (which, otherwise, with them, would be dormant, to such a degree that they would not know that they have them); and that thus, they call forth their terrestrial, corporeal and worldly things, therein. Wherefore, when their interior affections, which are good, fall into that [sensual] state, as regards those affections which are opened by the arrival of the sirens, they experience dejection, shame and evil. [I said, further], that this may be known from the fact that their beard, in this state, appears of such a character, that is, bunched or furrowed; for hence [i.e. from their sensuals] it is that they have a beard. It is different when their sensuals are closed. They fully acknowledged this; and hence it was granted them to perceive the perverted state which was in them. It was furthermore given me to say to them, that this experience was permitted in order that they may be amended and reformed as to the sensual, which is the outermost; for this is the plane in which interiors close: also, that this state is their evening, and they may expect the dawn and morning. They said, that they are in hopes of returning to their former state, and that they know there are such changes; but that, in that dejected state, they do not think much about it. I thought to myself that it is so, likewise, with others, when they are in the state of evening.

Experientiae Spirituales 5127 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5127. Cum prope ibi essem, audivi quasdam ex specie Sirenum, nempe quae potuerunt simulare affectiones bonas propter fines sui et mundi, unde affectiones earum et eorum quidem in externa forma similes fuerunt affectionibus quae apud bonos, sed in interna solum mundana, corporea, et terrestria, ita vice prorsus versa; illae dicebant, quod illuc venerint ex causa occupandi montem illum, quia sciebant quod ibi essent angeli, sed cum illuc veniebant, quod nullum viderent, utcunque quaererent; et quod tunc et tunc unus aut alter visus fuerit, et quod illi nihil loquuti solum quod agerent, irent, redirent, et similia, postea loquebantur mecum etiam illi qui coelesti genio ibi, dicentes, quod videant turbam illam, et quod invisibiles sint illis, ut non videantur, et quod adventus eorum fecerit quod in statu illo maesto essent, ita in statu mutato a priori; tunc dicere illis datum est, quod hoc inde veniat, quia advenae illae ex specie sirenum sint tales ut excitent sensualia illorum, quae alioquin sopita apud illos essent, usque adeo ut nescirent quod id illis sit, et quod sic excitent eorum terrestria, corporea, et mundana ibi, quare cum interiores eorum affectiones, quae bonae incidunt in illud quoad affectiones illas apertas per adventum illorum, illis sit maestum, tetrum et malum; quod hoc sciri possit ex eo, quod barba eorum talis appareat illis in hoc statu, nempe fasciculata seu striata, nam inde illis barba, aliter cum illa occlusa sunt; hoc agnoscebant prorsus, et inde datum illis est percipere perversum statum apud illos; et ulterius illis dicere datum est, quod ideo hoc permissum sit, ut emendentur et reformentur quoad sensuale, quod est extremum, nam hoc est planum, in quod desinunt interiora, et quod hic status illorum sit vespera, et quod exspectare possint diluculum et mane; dicebant, quod in spe sint, quod redituri in priorem statum, et quod sciant quod tales mutationes sint, sed quod in statu illo maesto non ita cogitent de eo; cogitabam, quod ita sit quoque aliis cum in statu vesperae sint.

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