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《灵界经历》 第5137节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5137

5137. About love, in the inmost heaven, and concerning faith in the second heaven

He who is not acquainted with the secret of human life believes that the all of the Church consists in loving the Lord and having faith in Him, [that is] having faith that through Him the human race is saved. But this does not constitute the Church with a person, nor, consequently, heaven, but doing His precepts, that is to say, living according to them. In the inmost heaven they love the Lord by living according to His precepts from love, in the second heaven by living according to His precepts from faith. The nature of the difference can be seen from the fact that they who [live according to the precepts] from love, love these precepts, and when they love these they love the Lord; for the Lord is in His precepts because He is the truth and the goodness itself in them. This happens from the will, but those who love His precepts from faith, love the Lord from the intellect, etc.

The angels of the inmost heaven have no other than heavenly ideas about all the things that they see, which ideas are above those which are in the middle heaven, the angels of which have spiritual ideas.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5137


(He who is not acquainted with the mystery of the life of man, believes that the all of the Church consists in loving the Lord and having faith in Him - that through Him the human race is saved. But this does not constitute the Church with man, nor, consequently, heaven; but doing His precepts, or living according to them. In the inmost heaven, they love the Lord, by living according to His precepts from love; in the second heaven, by living according to His precepts from faith. What is the nature of the difference, may be evident, namely, that those who [do His precepts] from love, love those precepts, and when they love these, they love the Lord; for the Lord is in His precepts); (for He is the Truth and the Good itself in them. This takes place from the voluntary. But those who love His precepts from faith, love the Lord from the intellectual, etc. The angels of the inmost heaven, have no other than celestial ideas about all the things that they see, which ideas are above those which are in the middle heaven, the angels of which have spiritual ideas.)

Experientiae Spirituales 5137 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5137. De amore in coelo intimo, et de fide in coelo secundo

Qui non scit arcanum vitae hominis, credet quod omne Ecclesiae consistat in amare Dominum, ac fidem habere in Ipsum, quod salvetur genus humanum per Ipsum, sed hoc non facit Ecclesiam apud hominem, ita nec coelum, sed facere praecepta Ipsius, seu vivere secundum illa, in intimo coelo amant Dominum per vivere secundum praecepta Ipsius ex amore, in secundo coelo per vivere secundum praecepta Ipsius ex fide, quae qualis differentia sit, constare potest, quod qui ex amore ament praecepta illa, et cum amant illa amant Dominum, nam Dominus in praeceptis est, est enim ipsum verum et bonum apud illos, hoc fit ex voluntario, at qui amant praecepta ex fide, amant Dominum ex intellectuali; etc. Angel intimi coelo non alias ideas habent de omnibus quae vident quam coelestes, quae sunt supra ideas in coelo medio, hic angeli habent ideas spirituales.

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