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《灵界经历》 第5138节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5138

5138. About those who mock, hypocrites

There are hypocrites who inwardly within themselves mock others when they are speaking, which nevertheless does not show from their faces. They even speak favorably about them, praising them, when yet inwardly they are laughing at them; and when they speak about them with others, they mock them by as it were playing a joke on them. They tell lies indiscriminately. Such individuals appeared to me above toward the front in a dark room to which I was admitted. They then fled. This room is filthy, and they are dressed like a hellish gang, and as just described, they play games with lies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5138


There are hypocrites, who, inwardly in themselves, mimic others when they speak, which, nevertheless, is not apparent from their faces. They also speak in their favor [to their face], by praising them; but still they inwardly deride them. And when they talk to others about these same persons, they ridicule them so as to affect these with the jest. They tell lies without any hesitation. Such persons appeared to me above, forwards, in a dark chamber; into which one was admitted, who then fled away. That chamber is squalid; and they are dressed like the infernal crew, and, in the manner above described, amuse each other with lies.

Experientiae Spirituales 5138 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5138. De subsannatoribus, hypocritis

Sunt hypocritae, qui intus in se subsannant alios cum loquuntur, quod tamen non apparet ex faciebus illorum; etiam loquuntur ad favorem, laudando; sed usque rident intus, et cum de iisdem loquuntur cum aliis, subsannant sicut quod ludibrio offerrent illos; loquuntur mendacia, absque ulla discretione; tales apparebant mihi antrorsum supra in Camera obscura, in quam admissus, qui tunc aufugiebant; camera illa est sordida, et illi vestiti sicut turba infernalis, et sic inter se ludunt mendaciis.

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