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《灵界经历》 第5144节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5144

5144. About the cold zones in the other life, heaven

In heaven as in the world there are zones differing as to heat and cold and as to light and shade. In a vision in the night, that is to say, in a dream, I was in places where I saw nothing but ice outside the houses. Inside were linen articles, which were of course white, but they were spotted and not neatly folded. Awakened, I spoke with those who were there. They said that they live here where ice covers the water, and they often have need of food and clothing, that they see such linens hanging on the walls of their house and this is a good sign, and that these are there as long as they are having good [thoughts]. It is otherwise when they don't see these linens, because linens symbolize their truths. They said that they are rarely attacked by evil spirits since these don't tolerate their cold, and when these do come, they make them spend the night outside. Consequently they go away and do not return.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5144


In heaven, as on earth, are different zones, as regards heat and cold, and light and shade. In a nocturnal vision, or dream, I was in places where I saw nothing but ice outside the houses; inside of them, were linen [hangings], which, indeed, were white, yet dirty and not neatly made.

When I awoke, I spoke with those that were there, who said that they dwell in a place where the ice covers the water and are often in straits for food and clothing; and that they see, on the walls of their houses, such linen hangings, and that this is a good sign; also, that so long [as they see these] they are in goods. It is otherwise when they do not see those linen [hangings]; for the linen [hangings] signify their truths. They say that they are rarely infested by evil spirits, since they cannot endure their cold; and when they come, they [i.e. the residents] compel them to pass the night out of doors; for which reason, they go away and do not return.

Experientiae Spirituales 5144 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5144. De zonis frigidis in altera vita, coelum

Sunt in coelo sicut in terris zonae differentes quoad calorem et frigus, et quoad lucem et umbram; in visione nocturna, seu somnio, eram in locis ubi non vidi nisi glaciem, extra domos, intra illas lintea, quae quidem alba, sed maculata, et non concinne secta; evigilatus loquebar cum illis qui ibi, qui dicebant, quod habitent ibi ubi glacies obtegit aquas, et quod in necessitatibus saepe sint, de victu, et amictu; et quod videant in parietibus suae domus talia lintea pendentia, et quod hoc bonum signum sit, et quod tamdiu in bonis sint, aliter cum non vident illa lintea; lintea enim significant vera illorum. Dicunt quod raro infestentur a malis spiritibus, quoniam non tolerant frigus eorum; et cum veniunt, tunc cogunt illos pernoctare foris, inde abeunt et non redeunt.

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