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《灵界经历》 第5143节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5143

5143. There were others too who have their life in base things. They were directly on top of my head. They got their delight in knowing that a thing is so, without careful thought about whether it is good or not, but only in seeing what comes from it, so that the delight they have is entirely useless. They corresponded to those below, who wanted to do nothing other than talk. They had an impulsive urge to talk about everything, but their delight was talking, believing that on this account they were wiser than others. They brought an uncomfortable chill to my left nostril, as when a cold wind is blowing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5143

5143. There were others, who are also in ultimates, who are directly above the crown of the head. These have found delight in knowing that a thing is so, without reasoning whether it is good or not, if they can only see what results from it; thus, they are in a wholly useless delight. To these, corresponded some below, who desired nothing else than to speak. They had an itching to speak on every subject; but it was the [mere] speaking that was their delight. They believed that they were therefore wiser than others. They inflicted on my left nostril an uncomfortable coldness, just as when a cold wind blows in.

Experientiae Spirituales 5143 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5143. Erant alii qui etiam in ultimis sunt, qui plane supra verticem capitis, qui jucundum acquisiverunt in sciendo quod ita sit, absque ratiocinando, num bonum vel non, modo, videatur quid inde, ita in inutili prorsus jucundo; illis correspondebant infra, qui non aliud volebant quam loqui, erant in pruritu loquendi, de omni re, sed loqui erat jucundum; credentes quod inde sapientiores aliis essent: illi inferebant nari meae sinistrae frigidum incommodum, sicut cum frigidus ventus inflat.

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