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《灵界经历》 第5150节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5150

5150. About those who deny with proof that there is a God

About Heaven and hell

I understood and saw that many were thrust down from a certain rock, up to a thousand. They had denied God in heart and faith, even though some had lived morally. But their moral life had been for the world so that they might be appear [to be moral], in the case of some from principles acquired in childhood to gain an advantage by doing so, some from an inborn nature. Those who were cast down had proved to themselves that there is no God, but that everything happens by chance or human prudence. It was perceived that they had no spiritual life, that is, life by which they could be joined to heaven and from there receive what flows in from the Lord and be governed in this way. On this account they were thrown out and sent down into places where spirits like this were able to live, in a life that is not life. What was perceived in them was something almost devoid of life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5150


I perceived and saw that there were thrust down from a certain rock, very many, even to thousands, who have denied God, in heart and faith; some of whom, nevertheless, have lived morally, but their moral life was on account of the world, so that they may appear to advantage. With some, it was from principles [imbibed] in childhood, that they may thus acquire wealth. Some of them [live morally] from natural disposition. They who were thrust down, have confirmed themselves in the notion that there is no God, but that all things are brought about by fortune and human prudence. It was perceived that they had not any spiritual life, that is, life whereby they could be conjoined with heaven, and receive influx thence from the Lord, and be ruled thereby. This is why they were thrust down, and let down into places where such ones could live, in a life which is not life. There was, in them, as it were an inanimate quality, which was perceived.

Experientiae Spirituales 5150 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5150. De illis qui negant Deum confirmative

Coelum et infernum

Percepi et vidi, quod e petra quadam deturbarentur perplures, usque ad millia, qui negarunt corde et fide Deum, tametsi quidam moraliter vixerunt, sed moralis eorum vita fuit pro mundo, ut appareant, apud quosdam ex principiis in pueritia, ut sic lucrarentur, quidam ex indole; qui deturbati, confirmaverunt se in eo quod non Deus sit, sed quod omnia ferantur per fortunam et prudentiam humanam, perceptum quod non haberent aliquam vitam spiritualem, hoc est vitam per quam possent conjungi coelo, et inde a Domino influxum recipere, et sic regi, quapropter deturbati, et demissi in loca, ubi tales possent vivere, in vita quae non est vita, erat quasi inanimatum apud eos quod perceptum.

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