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《灵界经历》 第5149节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5149

5149. Finally the other, who was a very wicked magician, was taken around. He had learned how to use correspondences and many other things to stir societies to favor him, which were societies that accept what is displayed as the reality. These are all those who think in accord with spiritual mental imagery. When he was being taken around, he was made to perform all his tricks, and to do so before all those with whom he had contact. These likewise turned away. In this way all such qualities he had were closed off. And finally he was brought into a state where he did not know about such things. Consequently the state he came into was a miserable one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5149

5149. Finally, the other, who was a very wicked magician, was led about. He learned, by means of correspondences and very many other things, to excite in his own favor those societies which receive representatives - who are all who are in spiritual ideas. When carried about, he was kept practicing all his arts, and this in sight of all with whom he had communication. These averted themselves, similarly [to those mentioned above]; and thus all such things with him were closed, and he was at last brought into such a state that he had no knowledge of such things; he, consequently, came into a miserable condition.

Experientiae Spirituales 5149 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5149. Tandem circumlatus alius qui pessime magus, didicit per correspondentias et per perplura alia excitare ad sui favorem societates, quae repraesentativa excipiunt, qui sunt omnes qui in ideis spiritualibus; is cum circumlatus tenebatur facere omnes suas artes, et hoc coram omnibus cum quibus communicatio erat, qui similiter se avertebant, et sic occludebantur apud illum omnia talia, et tandem perductus fuit in statum ut talia non sciret, inde in statum miserabilem venit.

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