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《灵界经历》 第5157节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5157

5157. This joy also appears shining from the angel's faces. There is something heavenly in them. What it is in them is indescribable because it comes from within. This joy also slips itself into every joy whatever of their wisdom, because the affection of everyone's love, as is known, imparts itself to the least details of what a person thinks, wills, sees, hears, speaks and does. And because the angels have truths from this good, their faces brightly shine and glow from them. This is produced by goodness through truths.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5157

5157. That joy, also, appears in the faces of angels; there is in them something heavenly, which is inward, and which cannot be described; for it comes from the interior state. This joy, also, insinuates itself into every joy whatever of their wisdom; for the affection of any love communicates itself to every single thing anyone thinks, wills, sees, hears, says and does - as is also well known; and, as the angels are in truths from that good, their faces are thence shining and radiant, which comes about from good, by means of truths.

Experientiae Spirituales 5157 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5157. Gaudium illud apparet etiam ex faciebus angelicis, est in illis aliquod coeleste, quod inibi est quod describi nequit, nam venit ex interiori; hoc etiam gaudium insinuat se in gaudium sapientiae eorum quodlibet, nam affectio amoris alicujus communicat se cum singulis quae cogitat, vult, videt, audit, loquitur et facit, quod etiam notum est: et quia in veris sunt ex illo bono, facies angelorum inde lucidae sunt, et radiant; quod fit ex bono per vera.

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