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《灵界经历》 第5159节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5159

5159. They see not only flower gardens there, but particularly orchards, wonderfully laid out, in endless and limitless variety. And in the trees they see fruits, glistening with the brightest heavenly colors, wonderfully shaped; and also palaces with ever changing decors, and doing this so harmoniously that the unfolding changes bring inexpressible pleasure to the mind. Inside, the rooms are arranged in such ways as are indescribable, astonishingly decorated as well.

Besides this there is conversation where one entertains the other in such a way that because together they are in agreement, their thought forms a perceptible harmony. One person's nature can be told apart from another's by their actions, by their way of speaking, from the paths they take, and from the changes of their expression at the particular things they say and hear. There are also very beautiful birds which, depending on the thoughts, appear colored, adorned with wings and feathers, and they fly. Besides this there are also countless kinds of gentle animals.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5159

5159. They see, there, not only flower-gardens, but, especially shrubberies; and these are in admirable order, with perpetual and indefinite variety; and on the trees are fruits resplendent with the loveliest celestial colors, in amazing forms. There are also palaces, with decorations perpetually varying, and this with such harmony that the successions of the changes occasion inexpressible delight to the mind. Within, are rooms in such an arrangement as cannot be described; with marvelous ornaments, also, in them. Moreover, they engage in conversation, in which each one delights another, in such an orderly manner that, taken together, they constitute one harmonious concord of thoughts. These things are perceptible. The character of another is also discerned both from his actions and his speech; also from the paths in which he walks, and from the changes of countenance which accompany every single thing said and heard by him. There are also most beautiful birds, which, according to the thoughts, appear colored, and adorned with wings and feathers, and fly: besides, also, gentle animals of innumerable species.

Experientiae Spirituales 5159 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5159. Vident ibi non solum floreta, sed imprimis arboreta, et haec in admirando ordine, cum varietate perpetua et indefinita, et in arboribus fructus splendentes coloribus coelestibus nitidissimis in formis stupendis, et quoque palatia cum decoramentis variantibus perpetuo, sic cum tali harmonia, ut sequentia mutationum inferat animo delectamentum inexpressibile; intus conclavia in tali ordine, ut non describi possit, cum ornamentis etiam ibi stupendis; praeterea in conversatione, in qua unus delectat alterum in tali ordine, ut simul sumti faciant ex consensu harmonicum cogitationis, quod perceptibile; qualis alter est, dignoscitur etiam tam ex actibus, quam ex loquelis, et ex viis quas ambulat, et ex faciei mutationibus ad singula quae dicuntur ac audiuntur ab illo; sunt etiam aves pulcherrimae, quae secundum cogitationes apparent coloratae, ornatae alis et pennis, ac volant; praeter etiam animalia mitia innumerabilium specierum.

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