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《灵界经历》 第5160节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5160

5160. And in the heavenly Kingdom they see daughters and virgins adorned by the Lord with various accessories wonderfully arranged: flowers of diverse colors, precious stones, and indescribable [other] things, of the kind recounted in Isa. 3[:18-23] and Ezek. 16:10ֱ4 and elsewhere, from which they have such beauty that there is no comparison with all the beauty of virgins on earth. What is more, they know all the things that are symbolized, because virgins there are affections of good and of truth. Consequently these affections are fully displayed, and the individual details are understood by those there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5160

5160. Also, in the celestial kingdom they see girls and virgins; and these are adorned, by the Lord, with various ornaments, in marvelous arrangement, together with flowers of various colors, precious stones and ineffable things, such as are enumerated in Isaiah 3[:18-23], Ezekiel 16:10-14, and elsewhere; from which they have such great beauty, that all the beauty of the virgins in the world is not comparable to it; and by means of these things they know all that are signified by them; for virgins, there, are affections of good and truth. Hence, those affections are represented to the full; and every single detail is perceived by those who are there.

Experientiae Spirituales 5160 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5160. Etiam in coelesti Regno vident filias et virgines, a Domino decoratas variis ornamentis, in admirando ordine, floretis diversicoloribus, lapidibus pretiosis, et ineffabilibus, qualia recensentur Esaj. III [18-[23] et Ezech. XVI: 10 ad 14, et alibi, ex quibus illis pulchritudo talis, ut cum omni pulchritudine virginum in terris non comparatio detur, et exinde sciunt omnia illa quae significantur, nam virgines ibi sunt affectiones boni et veri, inde affectiones illae ad plenum repraesentantur, et singula percipiuntur ab illis qui ibi.

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