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《灵界经历》 第5182节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5182

5182. About heaven

About mountains

Those who have love to the Lord, and so heavenly love, thus who have innocence's goodness and from this marriage love, are in the mountains and are raised all the way to the peak. And those who are on the highest part of the mountain are the best of them, who have a goodness that surpasses that of those who are below, consequently they live higher or lower according to the degree of the goodness of this love. It is this way everywhere. In addition, they are also set apart everywhere as regards their lateral location. The degrees [of separation] are like degrees of latitude; those on the right differ from those on the left, and so on. The peak is in the middle.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5182


Those who are in love to the Lord, consequently, who are in celestial love, are on mountains; and they ascend the mountains right on to the summit. They, also, who are in the loftiest part of the mountain are the best of that kind, and in a more excellent good than those who are lower down. Thus they dwell higher or lower, according to the degrees of the excellence of that love. It is so everywhere. Besides this, they are also distinguished, everywhere, as to situation at the sides; which distinctions of situation are of the same kind as degrees of latitude. They who are at the right differ from those who are at the left; and so on. The summit is in the midst.

Experientiae Spirituales 5182 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5182. De coelo

De montibus

Qui in amore in Dominum, proinde qui in amore coelesti, ita in bono innocentiae, et inde in amore conjugiali, illi in montibus sunt, et montes illi elevantur usque in cacumen, et qui in altissimo montis sunt, illi optimi illius generis sunt, et in bono prae illis qui inferius, ita habitant superius et inferius secundum gradus bonitatis illius amoris, ita ubivis; praeter quod etiam distinguantur ubivis quoad situm ad latera, qui gradus sunt quales gradus laterales, qui ad dextrum differunt ab illis qui ad sinistrum et sic porro; cacumen est in medio.

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