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《灵界经历》 第5183节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5183

5183. There are mountains where those are who have contrary loves such as the love of self, and those are the worst. They want to rank over all others and they inflict harm on everyone. However, these mountains are not real mountains, although they appear to be like the rest. On this account, no matter how much they may appear to be on the mountains, in reality they dwell in the depths below them in hell, into which also they are thrown. And if good spirits do not take their place of the evil ones, these mountains sink into hell because wickedness has reached its height and come to an end.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5183

5183. There exist mountains, where those are who are in the opposite loves, as, for instance, in self-love; who, also, are of the worst sort, and wish to be pre-eminent over all others, and do evil to all. But these mountains are not real mountains, although they appear, indeed, like the others. Wherefore, those, whoever they were, who appeared on the mountains, yet dwell in the depth under them, in hell; whither, also, they are cast: and those mountains, if good spirits do not succeed the evil on them, sink down into hell, when the wickedness is consummated.

Experientiae Spirituales 5183 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5183. Dantur montes ubi illi qui in amoribus oppositis, ut in amore sui, et qui pessimi, qui supra omnes alios eminere volunt, et omnibus malum faciunt, sed montes illi non sunt reales montes, apparent quidem sicut alii; quapropter illi, quamvis apparent supra montes, usque habitant in profundo sub illis in inferno, quo etiam conjiciuntur, et illi montes, si non boni succedunt, subsidunt in infernum, quando consummata est malitia.

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