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《灵界经历》 第5185节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5185

5185. I saw yet other purgings. When evil spirits were submitted to judgment, they were found unable to do otherwise than harm the neighbor, and to do this in various ways. Many mountains and rocks were full of spirits like this, as was even the place where I believed heaven was, because it seemed to be heaven on account of the whiteness like a white cloud above the peaks. But when examined, they were almost all thrown out of there, with the result that I believed that in this way these mountains were entirely destitute of inhabitants. Nevertheless, when they were thrown out, then others came up in their place, the full number [for the places]. And it was said to me from heaven that those who followed in their place had been driven down from there by the evil, for through fantasies the evil ascend on high. But those who had been there earlier and were good had been hidden there by the Lord at that time, so much so that they had not been seen by the evil. Some of them were around the evil spirits, some under them, and some among them. They were nonetheless very rarely seen, because they were pure spirits. They cannot be seen by the eyes of evil spirits, because these are insensitive. As a consequence the inhabitants of the mountains are now upright and good spirits and angels, and they are then visible when the evil are thrown down from there. I have seen crowds numbering up to thousands thrown down. Those thrown down are carried into valleys and after this to swamps, and certain to pools and lakes, and they are thrown down there, because when they are thrown down, their evil has been brought to an end.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5185

5185. I saw, moreover, certain other vastations; and, then the subjects of them underwent visitation, it was found that they were not able to do otherwise than injure the neighbor, and this in various ways. Many mountains and rocks were filled with such spirits; and also that place where I believed heaven to be; for so it appeared, from a snowy cloud, as it were, upon the summits. But, when investigated, they were nearly all cast out from thence, so that I believed that thus those mountains must be utterly destitute of inhabitants; but, still, when those were cast out, then others went up in their place, to the full number. It was also told me out of heaven, that those who succeeded in their place had been previously thrust out from thence, by the evil. For the evil ascend on high by means of phantasies; but those who have been there previously, and [are] good, are then concealed there by the Lord, so as not to be seen by the evil. Some of them were around them, some under them, and some amongst them; yet they were very rarely seen, for the reason that they were purer spirits, and these cannot be seen by the eyes of evil spirits, because the latter are gross. Hence, then, it is, that the [real] inhabitants of the mountains are upright and good spirits and angels, and that they appear when the evil are cast down therefrom. I have seen crowds, and as many as thousands, cast down. Those who are cast down, are taken into valleys, and afterwards to marshes, and some to ponds and lakes, and are cast down there; and, when they are cast down, their evil is consummated.

Experientiae Spirituales 5185 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5185. Vidi adhuc aliquas vastationes, qui cum visitati, reperti quod non possent aliter quam nocere proximo, et hoc variis modis, talibus spiritibus erant plures montes et petrae oppleti, et ibi quoque, ubi credebam coelum esse, nam sic apparuit ex niveo quasi nimbo super cacuminibus; sed cum explorati, inde ejecti sunt paene omnes, sic ut crederem quod sic montes illi prorsus destituti essent habitatoribus, sed usque quando illi ejecti sunt, tunc loco eorum subiverunt alii, pleno numero; et dictum mihi e coelo, quod illi qui loco eorum successerunt, inde fuerint a malis deturbati, nam mali per phantasias in altum ascendunt, sed qui prius fuerunt ibi, ac boni, illi tunc absconditi sint ibi a Domino, usque ut non visi fuerint malis, quidam eorum circum eos, quidam sub illis, et quidam inter illos, qui tamen rarissime visi, ex causa quia fuerunt spiritus puriores, qui non videri possunt oculis spirituum malorum quia crassi, inde nunc est quod habitatores montium sint probi et boni spiritus et angeli, et quod illi tunc appareant quando mali inde sunt dejecti; vidi catervas, et usque ad millia dejecti, qui dejecti feruntur in valles, et postea ad paludes, et quidam ad stagna, lacus, et ibi dejiciuntur, nam cum dejiciuntur consummatum est eorum malum.

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