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《灵界经历》 第5184节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5184

5184. About purging, thus about heaven and hell

There was a plain somewhat higher than the valleys, where there was a multitude of spirits who, using their cunning, were constantly trying to inflict harm. They approached others from behind and in this way also took over their minds. They spoke through them, wanting to position themselves to lead their thoughts and actions in this way, consequently to rule over others. In a word, they were cunning in various ways.

When the multitude was gathered there, and their wickedness thus reached its height, then came their ruin, or rather, judgment. The whole field was turned over, and those who were on it were buried in the earth, and then a plain beneath it was opened. And there was a multitude of other spirits there who had been purged. They were morally upright. They followed in the place of these evil spirits. From this it was also seen that a final eradication of evil, that is to say, a last judgment, takes place by a complete overturning.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5184


There was a stretch of level ground, somewhat more elevated than a valley. There was, there, a multitude of spirits, who continually endeavored to work evils by means of crafty devices. They betook themselves amongst others, behind, and thus also observed them; they spoke through them, desiring in this way to bring themselves to lead their thoughts and deeds and thus to rule others. In a word, they were crafty in various ways. When the multitude was assembled thither, and their wickedness was thus consummated, then came their destruction, or judgment. That whole field was overturned, and they that were upon it were covered up with the soil; and then a plain that was under that was disclosed, and, in that, there was a multitude of other spirits who have been in vastation there, and who are upright. These succeeded in place of the former. Hence it was clear that the final devastation, or Last Judgment, also, takes place by a total overturning.

Experientiae Spirituales 5184 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5184. De vastatione, ita de inferno et coelo

Erat planities aliquantum elevatior quam valles, ibi erat multitudo spirituum, qui moliri mala per astus semper conabantur, se inferebant apud alios a tergo, et quoque sic obsidebant illos, loquebantur per illos, volentes sic se inducere ad ducendum eorum cogitationes et facta, ita regere alios; verbo astuosi erant vario modo: illuc cum multitudo congregata est, et sic consummata eorum malitia, tunc venit eorum interitus seu judicium; evertebatur totus ille campus, et qui super illo obruebantur terra illa, et tunc aperiebatur planities quae sub illa, et ibi multitudo spirituum aliorum, qui ibi in vastatione fuerunt, qui probi, hi successerunt loco illorum; inde patuit quod etiam fiat devastatio ultima seu ultimum judicium per totalem eversionem.

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