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《灵界经历》 第5189节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5189

5189. The knowledge of correspondences and symbolism is the lowest level of angels' wisdom, and since this knowledge has been lost at the present day so that it is not even known that there is such a thing, it is therefore now being made known again.

[2] It was granted to see one from the ancient peoples, he was a member of a large angelic society, depart, and then a kind of darkness immediately arose in the society, and wisdom was taken away. This one from the ancients who had departed had wisdom's concepts. From its communication [to them] the rest had wisdom.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5189

5189. The science of correspondences and representatives is the ultimate plane of angelic wisdom; and since this science has, at the present day, been lost, so that it is not even known that there is such a thing, therefore, it is now revealed anew. It was granted me to see a certain one of the ancients, who was in a great angelic society, withdraw himself; and, then, an appearance of darkness immediately overshadowed the society, and its wisdom was taken away. He, also, who was of the ancients, and who withdrew, was in the knowledges of wisdom; and hence the rest had wisdom by communication.

Experientiae Spirituales 5189 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5189. Scientia correspondentiarum et repraesentativorum est planum ultimum sapientiae angelicae, quae scientia quia hodie periit, ut ne quidam sciatur quod sit, ideo nunc detegitur illa rursus.

[2] Dabatur videre aliquem ex antiquis, fuit in magna societate angelica, discedere, et tunc statim societati oborta est quasi tenebrositas, et ablata sapientia, ille qui ab antiquis, qui discessit, fuit in cognitionibus sapientiae, inde reliqui per communicationem sapientiam habebant.

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