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《灵界经历》 第5190节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5190

5190. About angelic Wisdom

The angels act as one with a person on earth because they are joined together like inner and outer, or like first and last. The heavenly angels are on the first [and highest level], the earthly person on the last and lowest. The earthly person, because on the lowest level, thinks materially, that is to say, sensually; angels think spiritually and in a heavenly way. Between these [ways of thinking] there is an interactive correspondence. The earthly person is therefore as it were a platform upon which the thoughts of the angels [act], as a consequence with earthly people who have affection for the truth and good from the Word there is a connection, and angelic wisdom is at the top, because wisdom increases by steps to what is inward.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5190


The angels make one with man, for men and angels are conjoined as inmost and outermost, or as first and last. The celestial angels are in the first, man in the last. Because man is in the last, he thinks materially, or sensually; but the angels spiritually and celestially. Between these [ways of thinking] there is correspondence; and, thus, man is, as it were, the plane upon which the thoughts of the angels [rest]; hence, with men who are in the affection of truth and good from the Word, there is a connection [with the angels]. Angelic wisdom, also, is in the highest place; for wisdom increases, according to degrees, towards the interiors.

Experientiae Spirituales 5190 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5190. De Sapientia angelica

Angeli unum agunt cum homine, nam conjuncti sunt, ut intimum et extremum seu ut primum et ultimum, angeli coelestes in primo sunt, homo in ultimo, homo quia in ultimo cogitat materialiter seu sensualiter, angeli spiritualiter et coeleste, inter quae est correspondentia, homo itaque est quasi planum super quo angelorum cogitationes, inde apud homines qui in affectione veri et boni ex Verbo, est nexus, et sapientia angelica in summo, nam crescit sapientia secundum gradus ad interiores.

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