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《灵界经历》 第5197节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5197

5197. Continuation about purging

The purging of those in Christianity who had justified their practice of polygamy was also seen, likewise those who had two wives. There were several thousand together in one rather extensive region. They were represented as lying on their back with outstretched feet. Furthermore, they were all turned over and thrown into hell, along with this whole region, and there they lost their genital organs and lived without them. As it so happened, they were convinced about this belief for various reasons, such as that [polygamy is practiced] outside of Christianity almost everywhere in Asia, that in the Old Testament the Jews [practice polygamy], that they had not found a reason for establishing marriage [as being only] of two. Notwithstanding, because they were Christians and were in this light, and because the Word was with them, which is a heavenly marriage, and there are inner truths there, as a consequence they were purged in this way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5197


There was also seen the vastation of those, in Christendom, who have confirmed themselves in favor of polygamy, and also of those who had two wives. They were together, in one region of considerable extent, to the number of several thousands. They were represented [as to their character], by the fact that they lay at the back, with the feet extended. They were all, also, overturned and cast into hell, together with that whole region; and there they destroyed their genital organs, so that they lived without them. Perhaps their strong persuasion in this matter arose from various causes, as, for instance, because people nearly everywhere in Asia outside of Christendom, and also the Jews, in the Old Testament, have not discovered any reason for establishing marriage between two [only]. But, because they were Christians, and in that light, [i.e. the light of Christianity], and because the Word, which is the heavenly marriage, and the interior truths which are there, was amongst them, therefore, they were vastated in this way.

Experientiae Spirituales 5197 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5197. Continuatio de vastatione

Visa etiam est vastatio illorum qui confirmaverunt se in Christianismo de polygamia, qui etiam binas uxores habebant, erant simul in uno tractu satis extenso ad aliquot millia, repraesentabantur per id quod a tergo jacerent pedibus extensis; etiam illi omnes eversi et conjecti in infernum, cum toto illo tractu, et ibi illi perdiderunt membra sua genitalia, et viverent absque illis; in persuasione de illa re forte erant, ex causis variis, ut quod extra Christianismum fere ubivis in Asia, quod in Veteri Testamento Judaei, quod non rationem invenerint constabiliendi conjugium duorum; sed quia Christiani erant, et illi in ea luce, et quia Verbum apud illos, quod est conjugium coeleste, et ibi interiora vera, ideo illi ita vastati sunt.

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