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《灵界经历》 第5196节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5196

5196. It is the same about the life after death. Most of those who are good believe they are going to live after death, but when they contemplate the last judgment, this faith collapses and perishes. Nevertheless it returns, as long as the last judgment is not thought about. On this account when most of them lie sick facing death, they believe they are going to come immediately into the other life, and they speak about others as being there parents about their children, survivors about their friends. Those who write about the deceased do likewise; they place them among the blessed as living now. And priests as well firmly assure those who are about to die that soon they are going to be in the other life. But as soon as the teaching about the last judgment comes to mind, this faith perishes, and more with the erudite who think about the soul.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5196

5196. In like manner concerning life after death: most of those who are in good believe that they live after death. But, when the Last Judgment is thought of, that faith falls and perishes. Nevertheless, it constantly returns when they do not think of the Last Judgment; wherefore, most of them, when on their death-bed, believe that they are going to enter the other life immediately; and also say of others, that they are there. Parents [say so] about their children; others, about their friends; also, those who write about the dead, place them among the blessed, as if then alive. Priests, likewise, assure those who are about to die, that they are going to enter, immediately, into the other life. But, as soon as the doctrinal concerning the Last Judgment comes into the mind, that faith perishes; and still more is this the case with the learned, who have thought deeply about the soul.

Experientiae Spirituales 5196 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5196. Similiter de vita post mortem, plerique ex illis qui in bono sunt, credunt se vivere post mortem, sed cum cogitatur de ultimo judicio, cadit illa fides, et perit; redit tamen usque dum non cogitatur de ultimo judicio, quapropter plerique ex illis cum aegroti sunt ante mortem credunt se venturos statim in alteram vitam; et quoque dicunt de aliis quod ibi sint, parentes de infantibus suis, reliqui de amicis, etiam qui scribunt de mortuis, illi ponunt illos inter beatos tunc sicut vivos: et quoque sacerdotes persuadent illis qui morituri quod venturi mox in alteram vitam, sed mox ut in mentem venit doctrinale de ultimo judicio, perit illa fides: et magis apud eruditos qui cogitarunt de anima.

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