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《灵界经历》 第5200节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5200

5200. About the final purging and about hell there

There are certain ones who cannot be improved by whatever punishment because they have drunk in hatred, revenge and the like from boyhood, retained them and stubbornly clung to them into old age, and consequently they have entirely closed heaven to themselves. They cannot be improved in the customary way, that is, through the normal mode of purging, on which account they are finally sent into hell, where they lie like corpses, certain on beds, certain on the ground, and there they lie as if half dead, their face is sickly yellow. And certain ones lie there like this for 10, 50, 100, 1000, 2000 years, until such savagery and total inhumanity has gone out. And during this time, as a result of periodic torments, they suffer horrors and are periodically reminded of their own hatred and vengefulness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5200


There are some who cannot be reformed by any punishment whatever, because they have imbibed hatred, revenge and the like, from childhood, and have retained them even to all ages, and obstinately clung to them, and thus have altogether closed up heaven against themselves. These cannot be reformed in the customary way, or by any ordinary mode of vastation; for which reason they are, at last, sent into a hell, where they lie like corpses, some in beds, some on the ground; and they are there like half-dead persons with ghastly faces. Some such ones lie there for 10, 50, 100, 1000, 2000 years, until such wild-beast and utterly inhuman quality is consumed; and, in the meantime, they undergo at times dreadful torments, and at times are reminded of their hatred and vindictiveness.

Experientiae Spirituales 5200 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5200. De ultima vastatione et de inferno ibi

Sunt quidam qui non possunt emendari per poenas quascunque, quia odium, vindictam et talia imbuerunt a pueritia, et retinuerunt usque ad senectam, et contumaciter inhaeserunt, et sic prorsus occluserunt sibi coelum, illi non possunt emendari via solita, seu per vastationis communis modum, quapropter illi tandem mittuntur in infernum, ubi jacent sicut cadavera, quidam in lectis, quidam super terra, et ibi sunt sicut semimortui, luridi facie, et tales jacent quidam per 10, 50, 100, 1000, 2000 annos, usque dum tale saevum et prorsus inhumanum exesum sit; et interea per vices cruciatus subeunt horrendos, per vices reminiscuntur sui odii et vindictae.

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