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《灵界经历》 第5201节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5201

5201. There are places for these in the depths under rocks. They go into a dark hole, and a door opens, and after they have gone in, the door is closed, and then they no longer appear. I saw them and I could tell that there was still life left [in them], and that when this process had run its course, they were virtually fools and wandered about mindlessly. But it differed depending on their life. If they had had any rationality, this was preserved and as much of religion as they had had that had not been profaned, remained. Consequently there was a difference in their foolishness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5201

5201. The places provided for them are in the depths, under the rocks. They enter a dark aperture, and a door is opened; and after they have entered, the door is shut; and then they appear no more. I saw them, and knew that their life still remains; and that, when this process is finished, they are then as it were, silly, and go about bereft of understanding, but with a difference in each case according to the life. If they have possessed any rationality, it is preserved; and whatever religion they have had which has not been profaned, remains. Hence, there are differences as respects their foolishness.

Experientiae Spirituales 5201 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5201. Sunt loca pro illis in profundis sub petris, intrant in foramen caliginosum, et aperitur janua, ac postquam intrarunt, clauditur janua, et tunc non amplius apparent. Visi sunt mihi, et novi quod vita usque remaneat, et quod cum peractum hoc est, tunc sint quasi fatui, et vadunt absque intellectu; sed cum differentia secundum vitam, si quid rationale habuerint, id conservatur, et quantum religionis habuerint, quod non prophanatum, manet, inde differentia fatuitatis illorum.

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