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《灵界经历》 第5204节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5204

5204. About quagmires, which too are hell, and a foul smelling pu 1

There are wide and long and deep quagmires, with caverns on the sides two or three times as deep. When one comes there, it appears just as if there is fiery smoke exhaling from their surface. They are on the outskirts of each world, so they are in between them. There are three: one on the left side, one in front, and a third which is further away in between these. This quagmire is a lake of foul-smelling sulfur.


1. A place in which souls were believed to live after death.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5204


There are gulfs, which are wide and long and also deep, with caverns at the sides, having also doubled and tripled depths. When one comes to them, they appear, above, as if a fiery smoke were exhaling from them. They are in the extremities of each world, so that they are interstitial in their position. There are three: one on the left side, one in front, and the third - which is further removed - intermediate between the two former. This third gulf is a lake of sulfur.

Experientiae Spirituales 5204 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5204. De voraginibus, quae etiam infernum, stagna pu

Sunt voragines quae latae et longae, profundae etiam, cum speluncis a lateribus, etiam profunditatibus duplicatis et triplicatis, quando illuc venitur apparent supra sicut fumus igneus exhalans ex illis, sunt in extremis cujusvis mundi, sic ut sint interstitiales: sunt tres, una a latere sinistro, una antrorsus, et tertia intermedia inter illas, quae magis distat, quae vorago est stagnum sulphuris.

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