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《灵界经历》 第5208节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5208

5208. There were others from this religion who were to the north looking eastward, not far away, on the mountains and rocks, who seduced the common people in this way: they put a certain devil on a certain rock at a great height, and using fantasy put a beard on him, and made proclamations saying that he was God the Father. And they said that they worshiped him, and then these wicked spirits inspired him with whatever they wanted. He was allowed to give answers that accorded with the whim of the wicked spirits. Such was the wickedness they devised, and those who did this strove to control others through him. But this wicked criminal activity was broken up. The mountain and rocks were thrown into hell together with all those who had done this and after that, the gang who worshiped and were evil.

Among those who had done this were many Jesuits. Many of them were then sent down into a valley. They worshiped a devil, and he was allowed to rule them at his pleasure, and later these too were thrown into a hell there beneath.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5208

5208. Others of that religion were towards the north, at some distance, on mountains and rocks looking eastward. They seduced the common people in this way: they placed a certain devil very high up on one of the rocks, and, by means of phantasy, induced upon him a beard, and shouted out, saying that he was God the Father. They said, also, that they worshipped him; and, nevertheless, those impious wretches inspired into him whatever they wished; he only gave answer in accordance with their pleasure. Such was the impiety they devised; and they who did this, aspired to govern all, by means of that devil. But this atrocious deed was brought to naught; the mountain and rock were cast into hell, with all on them who did this thing; and, afterwards, the crew who worshipped that devil, and were evil. Amongst those who did this were many Jesuits, several of whom were then put down into the valley. They worshipped a devil; and it was granted to a devil to govern them at his pleasure; and, afterwards, these, also, were cast into the hells underneath that place.

Experientiae Spirituales 5208 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5208. Alii ex illa religione fuerunt versus septentrionem spectantes ad orientem, non ad aliquam distantiam, in montibus et petris, qui seducebant vulgus eo modo, quod super petra quadam posuerint quendam diabolum admodum alte, et inducebant ei per phantasiam barbam; et proclamabant dicentes quod ille esset Deus pater, et dicebant quod illum adorarent, et tunc nefandi illi inspirabant ei quicquid volebant, dabatur responsa secundum nefandorum lubitum; tale nefandum excogitarunt illi, et qui hoc fecerunt, affectabant per illum imperare omnibus; sed hoc facinus nefan mali fuerunt: inter illos qui hoc fecerunt, erant plures Jesuitae: quorum plures dein demissi in vallem, adorabant diabolum, et datum est diabolo illis imperare ex lubitu, et postea hi quoque in inferna subter ibi conjecti sunt.

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