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《灵界经历》 第5209节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5209

5209. I spoke with that kind of spirits several times. They said that Christ had no power, but that He had given it all to them, and that the pope possessed it, and that the rest have it from him. It did not help at all when I told them that the Lord has all power, and that He alone can save the human race because He is God; and that he [the pope] cannot do the least thing for the salvation of anyone, and consequently that they make themselves gods, so that they may possess people's souls and then the world, besides many other things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5209

5209. I spoke, on several occasions, with such as said that Christ has no power but has resigned it all to them; and that the pope possessed it, and others received it from him. When I told them that the Lord has all power; that He alone, because He is God, is able to save the human race; that the pope can do nothing at all towards saving anyone; and that, in this way, they make themselves out to be gods, in order that they may possess the souls of men, and then also the world - besides many other things - it produced no effect.

Experientiae Spirituales 5209 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5209. Aliquoties cum talibus loquutus sum, qui dixerunt, quod Christus nullam potestatem habeat, sed quod dederit illis omnem, et quod pontifex illam possideret, et reliqui ab illo; nihil juvabat cum dicerem, quod Domino sit omnis potestas, et quod is solus salvare possit humanum genus, quia Deus, et quod ille prorsus nehilum possit ad salutem unius facere, et quod sic se deos faciant, ut possideant animas hominum, et quoque dein mundum, praeter plura alia.

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