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《灵界经历》 第5219节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5219

5219. There are societies into which they sent those who were seeking heaven. For example, when spirits were wanting to be cheerful, they were sent into a society where the faces are always cheerful. But they soon felt bored. Those who sought a contented state of mind they sent into a society where they only sit and think, without doing anything. But when they felt bored they went away from there. Those who sought pleasant social interaction were sent to a place where there was pleasant social interaction, but here too they felt bored. Those who were looking for an active life, asked for the things they wanted to do, so they were sent where those sorts of things were set up, but they too left out of boredom.

[2] Those who sought drunkenness also found it. In a word all were was given just what they were looking for except if they were seeking to love God. This, besides many other things, they were not able to give. Such are the delusions they practice on spirits from that religion who are recent arrivals in the other life. Those who left often have finally realized that these priests are not able to give heaven [to anyone], but only delude them with such things. Therefore, when they are instructed, they ridicule them and leave immediately.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5219

5219. There are societies into which they sent those who sought heaven. For instance, when any sought to be joyful, they sent them into a society where they always wear joyful countenances; yet they were straightway affected with loathing. Any who sought to be in a contented frame of mind, they sent into a society, where they sat still, and merely thought, without doing anything; but, since they were affected with tedium, they departed thence. Any who sought the delight of social interaction, were sent to a place where the delights of social interaction were provided; but these also were affected with tedium. Those who sought an active life, asked for whatever they wished to do; wherefore, they were sent to a place where weavers' looms were set up; but these also departed in disgust. Any who sought intoxication, also obtained it. In a word, everyone obtained according as he sought, except they sought to love God; this they were not able to grant: besides many other things. Such mockeries do they practice on spirits, of that religion, who have recently come into the other life. Those who have frequently withdrawn [from their mock-heavens], at length acknowledged that these are not able to grant heaven, but only to mock others with such things. Wherefore, when they are instructed, they ridicule these impostors, and depart from them altogether.

Experientiae Spirituales 5219 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5219. Societates, in quas miserunt illos qui petebant coelum, sicut cum petebant hilares esse, mittebantur in societatem ubi semper hilares facies, sed mox taedio affecti sunt: qui petebant contentos esse animo, mittebant in societatem, ubi sedebant et solum cogitabant absque faciendo aliquid, sed cum taedio affecti inde discedebant: qui petebant conversationum jucundum, mittebantur illuc ubi conversationum jucunda erant, sed etiam hic taedio affecti sunt: qui petebant vitam activam, quaerebant quid agere vellent, quapropter illuc mittebantur ubi tales dispositi erant, sed discedebant etiam ex taedio: qui petebant inebriationem, etiam acceperunt: verbo quisque sicut petiit, praeter si petierunt amare Deum, hoc non potuerunt dare, praeter multa alia: talia ludibria agunt cum spiritibus qui recentes in alteram vitam veniunt, ex illa religione. Qui discesserunt saepe, tandem fassi sunt, quod illi non possent dare coelum, sed ludere solum cum talibus, quapropter cum instruuntur, subsannant illos, et prorsus discedunt.

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