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《灵界经历》 第5220节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5220

5220. Most of those who claim the Divine power of saving people, and who thus deny the power of the Lord and consequently take what is Divine away from Him, are thrown into the fourth quagmire or chasm, which is toward the north and therefore dark, because such are immersed in utter blindness and ill will. I saw a lot of them thrown there. Their life there is hellish, involved in hatreds, vengeful actions, cruelties, continual quarreling, interpersonal animosity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5220

5220. The greatest part of those who have arrogated to themselves the Divine power of saving men, and have thus denied that power to the Lord, and therefore have diminished from His Divinity, are cast into the fourth gulf, 1or chasm, which is towards the north, consequently, into the dark one; for such ones are in utter blindness, and also in wickedness. I saw a great number cast thither. Their life, there, is infernal; it consists in hatreds, in revenge, in ferocity, continual strifes and intestine enmity.


1. See n. 5206.

Experientiae Spirituales 5220 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5220. Plurima pars ex illis qui sibi vindicarunt potestatem Divinam salvandi homines, et qui ita negabant potestatem Domini, proinde Ipsi derogarunt Divinum, illi conjecti sunt in voraginem seu hiatum quartum qui est versus septentrionem, et ideo tenebricosus, nam tales in omni coecitate sunt et quoque in malitia. Vidi magnum numerum ibi conjectum. Vita eorum ibi est infernalis in odiis, in vindictis, in saevitiis, jurgiis continuis, intestina inimicitia.

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