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《灵界经历》 第5228节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5228

5228. About those who have faith alone

In the place written about earlier [4924ֲ8, 4930ֳ2, 4944ִ5] where there was a purging or last judgment, and an ejection from the rocks and mountains. They were those of the Christian religion who hold the doctrine that faith alone saves, who do not think at all about a how they live but only about doctrine, which they learned for no other use than reputation, honor and profit. They don't know what real life is. All such are purged and are meant by the goats on the left [Matt. 25:33, 41]. A certain Rudberg 1stirred them up. He merely defended the doctrine, not caring whether they were truths or not, only that they were his doctrines. They had no concern for how they live.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4836.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5228


Where I previously wrote about vastation, or the Last Judgment, and about the casting-out from the rocks and mountains - those who underwent those things were those of the Christian religion who are in faith alone, and have thought nothing about life, but only about doctrine, which they have learned for no other use than for the sake of reputation, honor and gain; nor do they know what [a good] life is. All such are vastated; and they are understood by the goats who were on the left. A certain one, Rudberg, excited them. He merely defended the doctrine, not caring whether the things he defended were true or not, if only they belonged to their doctrine. They care nothing about the life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5228 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5228. De illis qui in sola fide

Ubi scriptum prius [4924-4928, 4930-4932, 4944-4945] de devastatione seu ultimo judicio, et de ejectione e petris et montibus, fuerunt illi qui ex religione Christiana in sola fide, qui nihil cogitarunt de vita, sed solum de doctrina, quam didicerunt non propter alium usum quam propter famam, honorem et lucrum, nec sciunt quid vita, tales omnes devastati sunt, et intelliguntur per hircos qui a sinistris [Matth XXV: 33, [41]; quidam Rudberg illos excitabat, qui solum defendebat doctrinam, non curans num vera sint vel non, modo essent suae doctrinae, vitam nihil curant.

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