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《灵界经历》 第5227节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5227

5227. About the Jews

The Jews appeared at the right on a level beneath the soles and were together there, and always in their state in which they had been in the world. They insisted at first that they alone were the elect, but when this did not happen, they withdrew from their opinion and remained in their state. Little by little they disappeared and were scattered and became robbers. Their nature is such that they stubbornly persist, which became evident in the case of those who were below, who lay on their stomach and prayed and did not cease until they got what they wanted. Besides much else. They are being sent away now, and few are seen, in accord with the Lord's words [cf. Matt. 22:14].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5227

Experientiae Spirituales 5227 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5227. De Judaeis

Judaei apparuerunt ad dextrum in plano sub plantis, et ibi simul erant, et semper in suo statu in quo fuerunt in mundo; institerunt primum quod illi soli electi essent, sed cum hoc non factum, recesserunt a sua opinione, et manserunt in suo statu; evanescunt paullatim et dissipantur, et fiunt latrones; sunt tali natura, ut contumaciter insistant, quod ortum apud illos qui infra erant, qui incumbebant ventri, et orabant, nec desistebant antequam obtinerent. Praeter plura. Rejiciuntur nunc, etiam pauci apparent, secundum Domini verba [cf. Matth XXII:14].

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