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《灵界经历》 第5231节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5231

5231. Then on my right side, which is the southern quarter, quite a large mountain there was pulled apart, or rather, opened lengthwise, so that there was a long chasm. It ran lengthwise in a southerly direction. The chasm's sides were on east and west. This chasm, which was formed by the mountain being pulled apart, yawned open from the western side to the plain downward into the deep, and the chasm was deeper toward the south; finally to the point that the bottom did not appear; it was dark there. The eastern part dropped straight down. When this opening was seen, it was enormous, it was horrifying.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5231

5231. Then, on my right side, which is the southern quarter, quite a large mountain, there, was divided, or it opened, lengthwise; so that it became a long chasm. Its length ran in a southerly direction, the sides of the chasm were on the east and west; and that parted chasm opened from the western side at a level directly towards the depth; and the depth was greater the nearer it approached the south; so that, at length, no bottom appeared. It was dark there. The eastern slope stood firm. That vast opening was seen, and it was frightful.

Experientiae Spirituales 5231 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5231. Tunc a parte dextra mea, quae est plaga meridionalis, mons ibi satis amplus diducebatur seu hiscebat in longum, sic ut factus sit hiatus longus, longitudo erat meridionalis, latera hiatus ad orientem et occidentem, et hiatus ille diductus, hiscebat a parte occidentali ad planum declive versus profundum, et profundum erat majus quo plus versus meridiem, tandem, ut non appareret fundus, ibi tenebricosum erat; pars orientalis praeceps stabat; visa illa apertura ingens, quae horrenda.

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