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《灵界经历》 第5232节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5232

5232. It was then seen that those who were nearest first descended by that slope and were forcefully driven to descend and were unable to resist. A very high peak appeared there near this chasm. Those who were there had the highest degree of self-love, because these always appear at a higher elevation. From that place also those who were there were carried along and taken off by way of the slope. In time others too were brought there, namely from the surrounding mountains, and then it appeared that the peaks of the mountains became a ridge and were closely joined. And then along this ridge an enormous multitude from every mountain round about was carried down, both [those] from the western quarter, and those from the northern and eastern. All went around toward the west and were led down to this slope and were thrown down.

This went on for some time, but to describe in detail how this happened would be too much. In a word, from every mountain the kind of spirits spoken of above were carried along and thrown into this extremely deep chasm, the more deeply the more they had been steeped in self-love and also denial of the Lord. It was observed that the greater the height from which they were brought down, the greater the sense of superiority they had had. Certain ones, also, wanted to humble themselves. These appeared to let themselves down quite deeply on the west, but since this was done hypocritically, they were forced to come up, and were thrown down in the same way. They numbered to tens of thousands.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5232

5232. I then saw that those who were nearest descended first along that declivity, and that they were driven, by force, to descend, and could not resist. There appeared there an exceedingly high peak, next to that chasm. Those were there who have been in a very high degree of self-love; for these always appear in the higher places; hence, also, those who were there were borne away, and carried down along the declivity.

At length, others, also, began to be brought down thither, namely, from the surrounding mountains; and then it appeared that the summits of the mountains became continuous, and cohered; and then, throughout that continuous expanse, a vast multitude was borne down from every mountain round about, both from the western and from the northern quarter, and also from the eastern. All went round towards the west, and were brought down to the declivity just described, and cast down. This lasted for some time; but, to describe in detail how it was done, would be too prolix. In a word, from every mountain, such ones (of whom [I shall speak] afterwards) were carried away, and were cast forth into that very deep chasm; the deeper, according as they have been more in the love of self, and, at the same time, in the denial of the Lord. It was observed, that the higher the place from which they were brought down, the prouder has been their disposition. Some also wished to humble themselves. These appeared to let themselves down, very deeply, at the west; but, since this proceeded from hypocrisy, they were forced to ascend [again], and were [then] cast down in a similar manner to the rest. They amounted to tens of thousands.

Experientiae Spirituales 5232 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5232. Tunc visum, quod qui proximi primum per declive illud descenderent, et quod vi acti sint ut descenderent, et quod non potuerint resistere; apparebat ibi cacumen admodum altum, juxta illum hiatum, ibi erant qui in maximo amore sui fuerunt, nam illi in altiori semper apparent, inde etiam ferebantur qui ibi, et devehebantur per declive; tandem coeperunt alii quoque illuc deduci, nempe ex montibus circumcirca; et tunc apparebat quod cacumina montium continentia fierent, et cohaererent, et tunc per continens illud deferebatur ingens multitudo ab omni monte circumcirca, tam a plaga occidentali quam quae a septentrionali, tum ab orientali, omnes circumibant versus occidentem et deducebantur ad declive illud, et dejiciebantur; hoc perstabat per aliquod tempus, sed describere singula, quomodo factum prolixum nimis foret, verbo ab omni monte ferebantur tales, de quibus supra, et projiciebantur in profundissimum illum hiatum, profundius quo plus in amore sui fuerunt, et simul in negatione Domini: observatum quod quo ex altiori deducebantur, eo fuerint elatiores animo; quidam etiam volebant se humiliare, qui apparebant ad occidentem se dimittere profundius, sed quia erat ex hypocrisi, urgebantur ascendere, et similiter dejiciebantur: fuerant ad myriades.

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