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《灵界经历》 第5234节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5234

5234. After this the distant southern mountain was opened that was almost where that chasm there ended, and what was above tumbled down. And then the dwelling of the cardinals appeared. It was long, and there were rooms in it, one after another in a long row. They had been there a long time. In front of these rooms was a chamber. Behind the row of their rooms extended also other rooms still further away. I became aware that popes were there. Nevertheless they did not dare show themselves because as often as they did they were punished. At length many were led away from there and also cast down into that long chasm in the mountain. A similar dwelling appeared to the north, in quite the same direction but closer, where there were similar rooms. And because they were similar functionaries, namely cardinals, although they were not so educated and thus in nature's light as those who were in the southern region, they were still in agreement. Also, they wanted to make a similar chamber there for themselves and so act as a consistory, but this was forbidden.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5234

5234. Afterwards, in that place, that more distant southern mountain, nearly where that chasm, there, terminated, was split open and rolled away, as above described; and then appeared the dwelling of the cardinals, which was spacious; and there were apartments, there, one after another, in long succession. They have been there a long time. In front of those apartments was a chamber. Behind that series of apartments, such apartments were continued to a distance still more remote. It was perceived that the popes were there; but yet they dared not show themselves, because, as often as they did, they were punished. From thence, at the last, many were brought out, and also cast down into the vast chasm of the mountains. A similar dwelling appeared in the north, in an exactly corresponding region, but a great way off, where were similar apartments, and similar persons, namely, cardinals; but they were not so learned, and hence in such great natural light, as those who were in the southern quarter: yet they answered to them. These, also, wished to make themselves a similar chamber there - thus, to conduct consistory; but this was forbidden.

Experientiae Spirituales 5234 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5234. Postea aperiebatur mons meridionalis illa remotus ibi fere quo terminabatur hiatus ille ibi, et devolvebatur quod supra, et tunc apparebat domicilium cardinalium, quod fuit longum, et ibi conclavia unum post alterum in longa serie, ibi fuerunt illi diu, ante illorum conclavia fuit camera; post conclavium illorum seriem etiam continuabantur alia conclavia adhuc remotius, percipiebatur quod ibi essent pontifices, sed qui usque non audebant se ostendere, quia toties puniti; inde demum abducebantur plures, et quoque in longum illum hiatum montis dejiciebantur. Simile domicilium apparuit ad septentrionem prorsus in eadem linea, sed procul, ubi similia conclavia, et quod similes personae nempe cardinales, sed qui non in tali eruditione, et inde lumine naturali erant, in quali illi qui in plaga meridionali, correspondebant usque: voluerunt etiam illi similem cameram ibi sibi facere, ita agere consistorium, sed hoc vetitum fuit.

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