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《灵界经历》 第5235节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5235

5235. Eventually very many were seen streaming together from various mountains and being led down from other places. There was an enormous quagmire from the west to the right there; a huge fiery blaze appeared there. It was to this place that those who were in the most remote region were led down, and it was said that they were those who had searched for passages from the Word supporting the papal power and such things as that religion set as statutes. Consequently they were more learned from the Word than others, and nevertheless at heart they denied the Divine. This fiery place was not seen earlier.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5235

5235. At length, very many were seen to flock together from various mountains, and to be brought down from other places. There was a huge gulf, in the west, at the right there. In that place there appeared, as it were, a vast luminous fiery place. Thither were brought down those who were farthest off; and it was said, that they were those who have sought out from the Word confirmations in favor of the papal power, and of such things as that religion set up; thus, they were those who were more learned in the Word than others, and, nevertheless, in heart denied the Divine. That fiery place I have not seen before.

Experientiae Spirituales 5235 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5235. Tandem visi sunt perplures ex variis montibus confluere, et deduci aliunde, erat ingens vorago ab occidente ad dextrum ibi, ibi apparebat sicut luminosum igneum ingens, illuc deducebantur illi qui ultimo, et dicebatur quod essent illi qui e Verbo conquisiverunt confirmantia pro potestate papali, et pro talibus quae religio illa statuebat, ita qui essent ex Verbo doctiores aliis, et tamen corde negabant Divinum. Locus ille igneus non prius visus est.

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