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《灵界经历》 第5240节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5240

5240. 1About the form of heaven and the situation of peoples and denominations there, and about Mohammedans and the Gentiles there

The Christians are in the center. They extend into all quarters, depending on the nature of their state as to the light of truth and the love of good. Around the center are the Mohammedans. These form an adjacent circumference, or surrounding region, doing so too in respect to all the quarters round about. There are similar lands, mountains, rocks, valleys. Outside this surrounding region are the Gentiles, arranged according to their light of truth and love of good, respectively to [different] quarters. Beyond them appears to be a sea, which is the border. It is to be noted that all taken altogether do not extend on a flat surface but on a globe just as on earth. On this account, when I was conducted to the heathens, after I had gone through the Mohammedans, I went downwards on a slope.


1. This paragraph is emphasized in the original by the symbol NB written twice in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5240


Christians are in the middle. Yet they extend to all the quarters, according to their states as to the light [lux] of truth and love of good. The Mohammedans are around that middle part. They constitute the next circumference, or circuit; and this likewise extends around to every quarter. Similar lands, mountains, rocks and valleys exist in these districts. Outside of that circuit are the gentiles, arranged, with respect to the quarters, according to their light [lumen] of truth and love of good. Outside of these, appeared, as it were, the sea, which was the boundary. It should be observed, that all these taken together were spread out, not in a plane, but in a globe like an earth. Wherefore, when I was conducted to the gentiles, after I passed through the Mohammedans I descended obliquely.

Experientiae Spirituales 5240 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5240. De forma coeli et situ populorum et gentium ibi, deque Mahumedanis et Gentilibus ibi

Christiani in medio sunt, extensio illorum usque est ad omnes plagas secundum eorum status quoad lucem veri et amorem boni; circum illud medium sunt Mahumedani, hi circumferentiam proximam seu ambitum faciunt, et hoc quoque ad omnes plagas circumcirca, ibi similes terrae, montes, petrae, valles sunt; extra illum ambitum sunt gentiles, ordinati secundum lumen veri et amorem boni eorum; respective ad plagas; extra illos apparet sicut mare, quod terminus. Quod observandum est, omnes simul sumti non extenduntur in planum, sed in globum, sicut tellus; quare cum perductus sum ad gentiles, postquam transivi Mahumedanos, descendebam per obliquum.

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