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《灵界经历》 第5243节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5243

5243. As regards Mohammed, he is not among Mohammedans but among Christians, at the right a little toward the northeastern quarter, and some time before this was moved closer to the western quarter but still to the right as earlier. The Mohammedans said that he is there because he has gone along with the Christian religion. I also have heard him there talking and saying that he now acknowledges the Lord as the one God in whom is the Father, who is one with Him, and that the holiness going out from Him is the Divine filling the heavens and [so] making the heavens.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5243

5243. As respects Mohammed, he is not among the Mohammedans, but among the Christians, a little to the right towards the north-east quarter; and, some time before [I saw them], he was removed nearer to the western quarter, still, however, to the right, as before. The Mohammedans said that he is in that place because he has acceded to the Christian religion. I also heard him speaking there, and saying that he now acknowledges the Lord as the only God, in whom is the Father, who is one with Him; and that the Holy Proceeding from Him is the Divine which fills the heavens and makes the heavens.

Experientiae Spirituales 5243 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5243. Quod Mahumedem attinet, ille non est inter Mahumedanos, sed inter Christianos ad dextrum paulo versus plagam orientalem septentrionalem; et quod ante aliquod tempus remotus sit propius versus occidentalem plagam usque tamen ad dextrum ut prius: dicebant Mahumedani quod ille ideo ibi sit, quia ad Christianam religionem accedit, audivi etiam illum ibi loquentem, et dicentem, quod nunc agnoscat Dominum pro unico Deo, in Quo Pater, qui unus cum Ipso, et quod sanctum procedens ab Ipso sit Divinum implens coelos et faciens coelos.

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