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《灵界经历》 第5245节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5245

5245. I have spoken with Mohammedans about the resurrection, saying that in the Christian world it is believed that this will not take place before the time when everything in the world will be destroyed, and that then bodies will be united to a soul, and that few of the learned, scarcely one in a thousand, know that a human being lives after death as a human being, that is, in a human form. They were amazed, saying that they themselves know that they are going to live after death and will be human beings then, having cast off only the covering which was of use to them in the world in this dense atmosphere to which the dense body here has been suited. They were amazed that Christians don't know this when yet it is of supreme importance.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5245

5245. I spoke with Mohammedans concerning the resurrection, saying, that it is believed in Christendom that the resurrection does not take place until all things of the world are about to perish, and that then their bodies and souls would be united: also, that few - scarcely one in a thousand - of the learned knows that man lives a man after death - that is, in the human form. At these things they marveled, saying, that they know they shall live after death and then be men, having cast aside only the covering which served them in the world, in that gross sphere to which the gross body there is adapted. They marveled that Christians should not know this, when yet this is of the greatest consequence.

Experientiae Spirituales 5245 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5245. Loquutus sum cum Mahumedanis de resurrectione, quod in Christianismo credatur quod non prius fiet resurrectio, quam cum interitura omnia mundi, et quod tunc corpora unirentur animae, et quod pauci de eruditis vix unus ex millibus sciat quod homo post mortem vivat homo, hoc est, in forma humana, quod illi mirati, dicentes quod illi sciant se victuros post mortem et tunc fore homines, rejectis modo exuviis quae illis inservierant in mundo in crassa illa sphaera, cui crassum corpus ibi accommodatum est; mirati quod Christiani hoc non sciant, cum tamen hoc maximi momenti est.

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