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《灵界经历》 第5249节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5249

5249. Continuation about the destruction of Babel

After these things were over, constant attacks came from the northern region where it slopes to the western, almost where they are joined by a mountain there, where there was an enormous multitude. There were Monks there from various orders; there were others gathered there from the very beginning of Babel; and I wondered how there could have been such a multitude on one mountain. I was taken there and then discovered that there were cities there, one below another, and from there a large cave leading to lower regions, and that there was an enormous multitude there too, and that those who were below had had a higher status, because in this location they were more protected than those above, and that those above received their more important orders from them. They dwelt in the following fashion: 1There was a sudden drop to (a), the uppermost habitation or city (bc), the second (bd), the third (de). The cave (gf) through which they made their descent, which was made through narrow openings. The lower habitation (ik) was where the earlier ones were. There were those there who were from ancient times and who are separate from those of similar character at the present day. It was shown there what kind of dwellings those had who are in the west more toward the front who were from ancient times, thus who were idolaters.


1. In the text is a hand drawing of a city with three levels on a hill side.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5249


After these things were accomplished, there came continuous infestations from the northern side verging to the western, nearly where those parts are there joined by the mountain where the vast multitude was. In that place were monks of various orders, and there were others who had assembled in that place from the first origin of Babel; 1and I wondered how such a multitude could have existed upon one mountain. I was conducted thither, and it was then discovered that there were cities there one under another; and [I passed] thence through a great shaft towards the lower places, and [noticed] that there, also, was a vast multitude, and that they who were below were in the greater distinction, because they were thus in greater security than the ones above: also, that, from them, those who were above had their more important commands. They dwelt in this manner: At A [Fig. 2] was a precipice; the highest habitation, or city, was at BC; a second, at BD; a third, at DE; the shaft, made by windings, through which they descended, at FG; and the lower habitation, where were those of the greater consequence, was at IK. In that place were some from ancient times; but they were separated from the moderns of a similar disposition. There was shown me, there, what sort of dwelling those had who were in the west: more in front, were some who were of the ancients, thus, who were idolaters.


1. At this point in the manuscript is a rough diagram to which the letters refer.

Experientiae Spirituales 5249 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5249. Continuatio de destructione Babelis

Postquam illa peracta sunt, veniebant infestationes continuae a parte septentrionali vergente ad occidentalem fere ubi conjunguntur a monte ibi, ubi ingens multitudo; ibi erant Monachi ex vario ordine, erant alii, illuc congregati a prima origine Babelis; et miratus quomodo talis multitudo super uno monte dari potuisset; illuc deductus sum, et tunc detectum, quod ibi urbes essent una sub altera, et inde magnum antrum versus inferiora, et quod etiam ibi ingens multitudo; et quod qui infra, in eminentiori statu fuerint, quia sic in tuto prae illis qui supra; et quod qui supra inde sua mandata majora habuerint: ita habitabant. 1

Praeceps erat ad (a), suprema habitatio seu urbs (bc ), altera bd ), tertia (de ). Antrum per quod descendebant (fg ) factum per insinuationes; inferior habitatio (ik ), ubi priores. - Fuerunt qui ab antiquis temporibus ibi, et qui ab hodiernis distincti, similis indolis; ubi ostensum qualis habitatio illis qui in occidentali anterius qui ab antiquis ita qui idololatrae.


1. Diagram

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