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《灵界经历》 第5262节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5262

5262. When this happened there was an enormous tumult among the Mohammedans who were on the east behind the Christians. But they were brought out from there and some of them thrown into that desert and into the adjoining chasm. The remaining ones were brought down around it and along the way either scattered or led to the place where they would be situated; certain to their heavens to the east and to the south.

Many were also brought on a straight road across the plain where the Christians are and where the Mohammedans had been, toward the west.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5262

5262. When this was done, there occurred a great tumult among those Mohammedans who were at the east behind the Christians; but they were brought away from thence, and part of them cast into that desert place before mentioned and the adjoining chasm. The rest were led around; and were either scattered on the way, or brought to the places where their abode was; but some to their heavens in the east and in the south. Many also were brought in a straight way, across the plain where the Christians and the Mohammeds were, towards the west.

Experientiae Spirituales 5262 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5262. Cum hoc factum est, tunc factus est ingens tumultus inter Mahumedanos qui ab oriente post Christianos, sed illi inde deducti sunt, et partim conjecti in desertum illud, et adjunctum hiatum, reliqui deducti circum, et in via vel dissipati, vel ducti ad locum ubi eorum sedes fuit, quidam ad coelos eorum ad orientem et ad meridiem. Deducebantur etiam multi via recta trans planum ubi Christiani, et ubi fuerunt Mahumedes, versus occidentem.

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