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《灵界经历》 第5263节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5263

5263. About the gentiles and their final judgment

The gentiles constitute a still further surrounding region, but the largest part is to the east, distant from the Christian world, beyond the Mohammedans. They also were brought down from there toward the east, not by a circular route, but above the northern plain of Christians, and what amazed me, on high, in such a manner that a route was given to them above the Christians, and they had no communication with them. They were assigned a place around the Mohammedans on the east and also on the south.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5263


The Gentiles constitute a zone still more remote; but the greatest portion are in the east, remote from the Christian world, beyond the Mohammedans. These, also, were brought from thence towards the east; not, however, by a circuit, but above the northern level of the Christians, and - which I marveled at - on high; so that a way was granted them above the Christians, and they did not communicate with them. They were allotted a place around the Mohammedans, at the east and also in the south.

Experientiae Spirituales 5263 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5263. De gentilibus, et eorum ultimo judicio

Gentiles adhuc ulteriorem ambitum constituunt, sed maxima illa pars est ad orientem remote a Christiano orbe, ultra Mahumedanos; illi etiam deducti sunt inde versus orientem, sed non per circuitum, verum supra septentrionale planum Christianorum, et quod miratus in altum, sic ut via illis data sit supra Christianos, et non communicabant cum illis: locum sortiti sunt circum Mahumedanos ab oriente, et quoque a meridie.

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