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《灵界经历》 第5268节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5268

5268. About the Mohammedans

The first Mohammed dwelt at the left below the level of the sole of the foot and there held his court and from there exerted his influence on the Mohammedan population, but under the Lord's guidance. Something as it were luminous, like what usually comes from candles, appeared there. I was directed there and experienced something lascivious mingled with marriage, which was filthy because it aroused sexual desire. That atmosphere was foul. It was said that others now present themselves in the place where those [early Mohammedans] were. They are being maintained there by the Lord lest their fantasies be destroyed, because the greater part of the common people thinks about Mohammed. That lascivious atmosphere came from the many wives whom they hold it permissible to take. It was granted me to lie in the warmth, which at first was not particularly uncomfortable, but soon became uncomfortably lascivious, then soon extremely annoying. I really wanted to get away from this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5268


The first Mohammed 1dwelt at the left under the plane of the sole; and there he held his court, and inflowed from thence into the Mohammedan people; but, under the guidance of the Lord. There appeared there a certain radiance, such as is emitted by candles. I was sent thither, and I perceived lasciviousness mingled with the conjugial state, which was filthy, for it excited lust. That sphere was loathsome. It was said, that, in place of these [Mohammeds], others now succeed, who, for the reason that the multitude think much about Mohammed, are to be kept there by the Lord, lest their phantasies should be destroyed. That lascivious sphere is from plurality of wives, whom they hold it lawful to marry. It was granted me to lie down in a warmth not at first very unpleasant, which, however, immediately became a disagreeable and exceedingly grievous lascivious heat, from which I greatly desired to get away.


1. See Nos. 5260a and 5261.

Experientiae Spirituales 5268 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5268. De Mahumedibus

Primus Mahumedes ad sinistrum sub plano plantae habitabat, et ille ibi habuit suam aulam, et inde influebat in gentem Mahumedanam, sed ex ductu Domini, apparuit sicut aliquod luminosum ibi, quale solet ex candelis; missus illuc, et perceptum lascivum commixtum conjugiali, quod foedum, quia excitabat venerem, sphaera illa erat tetra; dicitur quod loco eorum nunc subeant alii, qui a Domino ibi tenendi, ex causa quia vulgus plurimum cogitant de Mahumede, ne destruantur eorum phantasiae. Sphaera lasciva illa est ex pluribus uxoribus, quas ducere pro licito habent, datum jacere primum in calido non ita injucundo, quod mox factum est lascivum injucundum mox maxime molestum, e quo multum exire desideravi.

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